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Children's Dictionary
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digitate having fingers or toes. [2 definitions]
steatite a kind of talc with many commercial uses; soapstone.
tektite any of numerous small, roundish pieces of natural glass found in various parts of the world and believed to have originated from meteorite impacts when melted terrestrial rocks get ejected into the air and then quickly cool.
testate having made, before dying, a legally valid will. (Cf. intestate.)
tête-à-tête a conversation between two people in private. [3 definitions]
tidbit an appetizing or choice bit, as of food, gossip, or news.
timid not bold or confident with other people; shy. [2 definitions]
titillate to stimulate or excite pleasantly. [2 definitions]
titivate to make or become dapper or trim; spruce up.
titrate to determine the amount of a substance in (a solution) by adding a standard liquid reagent of known concentration and measuring the volume required to produce a specified reaction such as a change in color or form.