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Children's Dictionary
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banana spider see "Brazilian wandering spider."
Brazilian wandering spider any of a family of highly venomous, quick-moving, and aggressive spiders native to the rainforests of Brazil, also known as the banana spider for the frequency with which members of this family are found in bunches of bananas.
brown recluse spider a highly poisonous, medium-sized brown spider that has a dark, violin-shaped mark on its body.
dock spider see "fisher spider."
fisher spider any of a family of nursery-web spiders that have the ability to skate across and dive beneath the surface of water, also called a dock spider.
nursery-web spider any of the species of spiders, the females of which build a web for their young and stand guard next to it.
red spider any of various small red spiderlike mites that feed on vegetation.
spider monkey any of several tropical American monkeys that have long spidery limbs, rudimentary or no thumbs, and a long prehensile tail.
spider plant a plant of the lily family, with long, narrow, sometimes white-streaked leaves, commonly grown as a houseplant.
spider web a web constructed by spiders to trap prey, made from very fine filaments of silk secreted from their abdomens.
trap-door spider any of several spiders that construct a silk-lined nest covered by a hinged lid resembling a trap door.
wolf spider a small- to medium-sized spider that hunts its prey rather than using a web.