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Children's Dictionary
backgammon a board game played by two people. The players throw dice and move their pieces around and then off the board.
ball1 a game played with a ball, especially baseball. [1/3 definitions]
ballgame a game played with a ball on a field.
baseball a game played with a bat and ball by two teams of nine players each, the object being to score runs by advancing runners around four bases. [2 definitions]
basketball a game played on a court by two teams of five players each. Points are scored by shooting the ball through a high metal hoop and net at the opponent's end of the court. [2 definitions]
billiards a game played with long sticks and hard balls on a special table covered with cloth. Players use a stick to hit the balls against each other and into pockets along the edges of the table.
bingo a game in which players try to match numbers on a card with numbers read out by a caller. Each player has a card with numbered squares. The player who is the first to cover a whole row of squares is the winner.
bishop a piece that can be moved diagonally across squares in the game of chess. [1/2 definitions]
bluff2 to lead other people to believe that the cards in one's hand are better or worse than they really are. Bluffing is a strategy used in the game of poker. [1/3 definitions]
bob2 to try to take hold of floating or hanging objects with the mouth as part of a game. [1/4 definitions]
bowl1 a football game played at the end of the season by winning teams. [1/5 definitions]
bowl2 to play the game of bowling. [1/2 definitions]
bowling a game in which a heavy ball is rolled along a wooden alley toward wooden pins that stand at the far end.
bowling alley the long wooden lane down which the ball is thrown in a game of bowling. [1/2 definitions]
castle one of two game pieces in chess that may be moved forward, backward, or sideways over any squares not blocked; rook. [1/2 definitions]
champion a person or animal that has taken first place in a contest or game; winner. [1/3 definitions]
checker1 one of the disks used as a game piece in checkers. Checkers is a game played by two people. Each player has twelve pieces to move over a board divided into sixty-four squares of two alternating colors.
checkerboard a surface marked into sixty-four squares of two alternating colors. It is used as a game board for checkers or chess.
checkers (plural but used with a singular verb) a game played by two people. Each player has twelve pieces to move over a board divided into sixty-four squares of two alternating colors.
cheetah a large, wild cat of Africa and southern Asia that has solid black spots on its fur. Cheetahs have long legs and are the fastest animal on land. Sometimes they are trained for hunting game.
chess1 a board game played by two people in which each player has sixteen pieces, and the object is to trap the opponent's king.