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Children's Dictionary
aunt the sister of one's mother or father. [1/2 definitions]
brother-in-law the husband of one's sister. [1/2 definitions]
half sister a female who is a sister through one parent only.
Hera the goddess of marriage in Greek mythology. Hera was the wife and sister of Zeus, ruler of the gods. In Roman mythology, Hera is called Juno.
Juno the goddess of marriage in Roman mythology. Juno was the wife and sister of Jupiter. In Greek mythology, Juno is called Hera.
nephew the son of one's brother or sister; the son of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law.
niece a daughter of one's brother or sister; a daughter of one's brother-in-law or sister-in-law.
only without a brother or sister. [1/5 definitions]
sibling a sister or a brother.
sister-in-law the sister of one's husband or wife. [1/2 definitions]