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Children's Dictionary
absurd of, showing, or having to do with the belief that there is no meaning or order in life or in the universe. [1/2 definitions]
adolescence the period in a person's life between childhood and adulthood.
adulthood the part of life when a person is grown up; the adult years.
age a particular time or stage in life. [2/8 definitions]
alien a living being from another planet; extraterrestrial. There is no evidence that aliens exist, but many people believe there is life on other planets. [1/5 definitions]
alive having life; living. [1/3 definitions]
amphibian a small animal that spends part of its life cycle in water and part of its life cycle on land. Amphibians hatch in water and breathe with gills. Then they develop lungs so the adults can breathe air. Amphibians are cold-blooded animals with skeletons inside their bodies. Frogs, toads, and salamanders are amphibians. [1/2 definitions]
animate to bring to life. [1/6 definitions]
archaeological of or relating to archaeology. Archaeology is the study of human life as it existed a very long time ago.
archaeologist a scientist who works in the field of archaeology, the study of past human life and culture.
archaeology the study of past human life. An archaeologist digs up and then studies objects such as pottery, tools, and buildings.
autobiography the story of a person's life written or told by that person.
baby tooth one of the first set of teeth in human babies and other mammals. Baby teeth fall out early in life to be replaced by adult teeth.
benefit an object, action, or sum of money that improves someone's life; aid. [1/4 definitions]
biennial having a life cycle of two years. [2/5 definitions]
biography the written story of the facts and events of a person's life.
biological having to do with living things and their life processes. [1/2 definitions]
biology the science that studies the growth and life processes of living things.
biome a major type of global region, such as forest, desert, or grassland, characterized by the community of plants and animals that have adapted to life under the particular soil and climatic conditions that a particular region presents.
born brought into life by birth. [1/3 definitions]
boyhood the state or period of life when one is a boy.