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Children's Dictionary
Alsatian the British word for "German shepherd," a breed of large brown or black dogs that are often used as guard dogs and as guide dogs for blind people.
beagle a breed of dog. Beagles are small dogs with short legs, drooping ears, and smooth fur that is usually black, tan, and white.
bloodhound a breed of dog. Bloodhounds are large dogs with baggy skin and long, drooping ears. They have an excellent sense of smell and are used to track people or animals.
boxer a breed of dog. Boxers have short hair, a square jaw, and a brown coat. [1/2 definitions]
bred past tense and past participle of "breed."
bulldog a breed of dog. Bulldogs are powerful dogs with short legs, short hair, and very strong, square jaws.
chow2 a Chinese breed of dog. Chows are sturdy dogs of medium size with a thick red or black coat, a black tongue, and a tail that curls over the back.
cocker spaniel a breed of dog. Cocker spaniels are small dogs with short legs, a long, soft coat, and long ears.
collie a Scottish breed of dog. Collies are large dogs with long, narrow heads and long hair. They were once raised to herd sheep.
dachshund a German breed of dog. Dachshunds have long bodies, very short legs, and drooping ears.
Dalmatian a breed of dog. Dalmatians are large dogs that have short white hair with black or brown spots.
Doberman pinscher a breed of dog. Doberman pinschers have short, smooth, black hair with tan markings and are used as guard dogs.
foxhound a breed of dog. Foxhounds are dogs of medium size with short hair and are bred and trained to hunt foxes.
German shepherd a breed of dog. German shepherds are large dogs that resemble wolves and have a thick brown or black coat. They are used as guard dogs and as guide dogs for blind people.
Great Dane a breed of dog. Great Danes are very large, powerful dogs with short hair, long legs, and a square muzzle.
greyhound a breed of dog. Greyhounds have a narrow body and head and long legs. They can run very fast.
husky2 (often capitalized) a breed of dog. Huskies are strong, have thick fur, and are often raised to pull sleds in arctic regions.
Irish setter a breed of dog. Irish setters have long red hair and a silky coat.
longhorn a breed of cattle with very long horns. Longhorns were once raised in the southwestern United States for their meat but are now rare.
mule1 the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. Mules are as large as horses, with the longer ears of a donkey. Mules cannot produce young. People breed mules to use for riding or for pulling loads. [1/2 definitions]
mutt a dog of mixed or unknown breed; mongrel.