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Elementary Dictionary



ae plih keI shn
part of speech: noun
definition 1: An application is a request to do something, especially a request for a job, or a request to get into a college or other special school, or a request for permission for something. There is usually a form people have to fill out or other things they have to write or do in order to make their application. The form that people fill out is also called an "application."
The job application asked for a lot of information.Cody's older sister sent applications to several different colleges.Ms. Singh filled out an application to get a new passport.
similar words:
covering, deposit, spread
definition 2: An application is a way of being used.
Electricity has a very great number of applications in modern life.
function, purpose, use
definition 3: In a computer, an application is a program. A program is a set of special instructions that tells the computer how to do certain things.
My mom has an application on her computer that lets her draw pictures really easily.