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parts of speech:
noun, verb, adjective
part of speech: noun
definition 1: A spot is a kind of mark. It is different in color from the area around it. A spot often has a round shape.
Amy's dog is black with a white spot on his forehead.After Alex spilled his soup, his mom was not happy to see the red spots on the rug.
blot, dot, mark
similar words:
patch, stain
definition 2: A spot is a place. If you are going to have a picnic in the park, you try to find a good spot.
Somebody was in our favorite spot at the park, so we had to find another place to sit.My mom is always happy when she finds a good spot to park the car.When my sister tries to hide from me, I can find her easily because she's always in the same spot.
similar words:
location, space
definition 3: If someone gets into a spot, they get into some kind of trouble or difficulty.
The tourist was in a serious spot when he lost his passport.
similar words:
part of speech: verb
inflections: spots, spotting, spotted
definition 1: If you spot a thing, you cause it to have a spot.
Lee's mom asked him how he spotted his new clean shirt so quickly.The painters did a pretty good job, but they spotted the rug a bit.
dot, mark
similar words:
definition 2: When you spot a person or thing, you notice them or find them by looking for them.
When Noah and his dad went to the zoo, Noah spotted a friend from school.I heard a bird singing somewhere in the trees, but I couldn't spot it.The police spotted their suspect coming out of his house in the early morning.
notice, recognize
similar words:
detect, discover, distinguish, identify, locate, mark, perceive, see, sight
part of speech: adjective
definition: When we call something a "spot" thing, like a spot decision or a spot payment, we mean that it is something that is done immediately and with no time to really think about it.
In an emergency, people often have to make spot decisions.
immediate, instant
similar words:
direct, prompt, quick, snap, sudden, swift