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absolutely When something is absolutely right, it is exactly right. If something is absolutely beautiful, "beautiful" is the exact word to describe this thing, and there is nothing about this thing that isn't beautiful. [2 definitions]
completely entirely; absolutely.
essential something that is absolutely necessary. [1/3 definitions]
flat1 absolutely; completely. [2/12 definitions]
forbid If someone forbids you to do something, they say that you absolutely cannot do this thing. [1/2 definitions]
indispensable absolutely necessary; essential.
promise a statement that something absolutely will happen or be done. [1/5 definitions]
simply absolutely. [1/4 definitions]
strictly strongly; absolutely.
tyranny a government in which a single person rules absolutely and in a cruel way. [1/2 definitions]
tyrant a ruler who governs absolutely with unfairness and cruelty. [1/2 definitions]