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act When someone plays the part of a character in a play, movie, or on television, they are acting. [2/9 definitions]
action (usually plural) way of acting or behaving. [1/6 definitions]
admission An admission is the act of confessing something. It is an act of admitting the truth, whether the truth is a nice thing or a bad thing. An "admission of love" is an acting of revealing that you love someone. An "admission of guilt" is an act of saying you are guilty of something. [1/3 definitions]
aggressive very bold; acting as if full of power and authority; forceful. [1/2 definitions]
appear When someone appears a certain way, it means they look or seem that way. If someone appears cold, they look as if they are cold. If an animal appears to be hurt, it seems to be that way. It might not really be hurt, but we think it is because of the way it is acting or because of the look of its body. [1/3 definitions]
atmosphere When we talk about the atmosphere of a place, we mean the kind of feeling that the place seems to have. The colors, the noises, and the way people are talking and acting with each other are some of the things that create the atmosphere of a place. An airport has a very different atmosphere from a library, for example. A library usually has a quiet and calm atmosphere. The atmosphere at an airport is often busy and excited. [1/2 definitions]
baby When you call someone a baby, it means you think that they are acting like a baby. It means you think they cry or complain a lot, or they get scared or upset about little things. [1/3 definitions]
band1 a group of people, animals, or objects acting together. [1/3 definitions]
cast a group of people acting in a play or film. [1/12 definitions]
childish If a person acts in a childish way, they act in some of the ways that little children act. They refuse to do things that make sense. They have difficulty being patient, and they can get very angry about things that are not really so important. They can be greedy. Sometimes they think only about their own feelings and nobody else's. Sometimes acting in a childish way, just means acting like a child and not like an adult acts.
clown to act as a clown or to try to get attention by acting silly (sometimes followed by "around"). [1/3 definitions]
coach a person who trains or teaches a student in a special area, such as singing, acting, or a school subject. [1/6 definitions]
comedian a person who entertains by telling jokes and acting in a way that makes people laugh.
composure calmness in thinking or acting; self-control.
crooked not acting in honest ways. [1/2 definitions]
custom a way of acting that is usual or accepted for a person or a social group. [1/4 definitions]
dramatic When something is dramatic, it has to do with plays or acting in plays. [1/3 definitions]
experienced If someone is experienced as an actor, they have done quite a lot of work as an actor. Because this person has done this amount of work, they know more about the job than people who are new to acting. They can often avoid mistakes and do their job better. If someone is experienced in anything, it means they have done it before and they know it pretty well. Bosses usually like to hire experienced workers.
fashion the style of clothes or way of acting that is popular. [1/3 definitions]
feline looking or acting like a cat, such as moving in a silent or graceful way. [1/3 definitions]
fight When two people fight, they are acting against each other in some way. They try to win something or hurt each other by using strong words, actions of their body, or a weapon. People are often angry when they fight, or they just feel a strong need or duty to win. When people fight with words, it's called an argument. Animals fight too, often because they want something that another animal wants. [1/5 definitions]