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a2 "A" has a meaning like "any." When you use "a" before a word, you are talking about any one of some group or kind of thing. When you say "a cat," it means any cat of all the cats in the world, or it means any cat of a group of cats. [1/3 definitions]
about on all sides; here and there. [1/8 definitions]
absolutely When you are absolutely sure about something, it means that you are completely sure. You have no doubt at all. If you are absolutely finished with something, there is not even one more little thing to do. [1/2 definitions]
absorb If a story absorbs you, it holds all of your attention. [1/2 definitions]
absorption the state of having all of one's interest and attention taken up by one activity. [1/2 definitions]
absurd not at all logical; impossible to be true; ridiculous. [1/2 definitions]
absurdity something that makes no sense or is not at all in the normal order of things. [1/2 definitions]
accountant An accountant is a person who keeps track of how a business spends its money, gives advice about spending money, and often makes sure the company is paying a correct amount of tax to the government each year. All businesses have to report to the government how much money they make and pay a correct amount of tax. Some companies only use an accountant when they are reporting their income to the government and need to figure out how much tax they have to pay. People who have regular jobs also use accountants sometimes if their money affairs are complicated.
ace a playing card that has only one mark. In card games, an ace has either the highest value of all the cards or the lowest. [1/5 definitions]
action An action is a movement or a set of movements. Walking, pointing, kicking, and waving are all actions. [1/4 definitions]
administration Administration is the directing or managing of things. In a school, students study and teachers teach, but there are also people who do administration. These people do the work of running the school. They do all kinds of different things like hiring teachers, disciplining students, making sure that the lights work, making sure that the school is cleaned, and making sure that the school's bills get paid. The principal does a lot of the administration of the school but there are others who take part in it too. [2 definitions]
after all Sometimes we use "after all" when we tell what really happened in the end even though we had thought something else might happen. [2 definitions]
air all that is above the ground; sky. [1/6 definitions]
Albania Albania is a country in Europe. Some of its neighbors are Greece, North Macedonia, and Serbia. Albania has mountains on one side and seashore on the other. People speak a language in Albania that is quite different from all the other languages in Europe. It is called Albanian.
Algeria Algeria is the largest country in Africa. It lies along the shore of a sea called the Mediterranean. Algeria has big cities, beaches, and mountains in the north, but the southern part of Algeria is all desert. It is part of the Sahara Desert, the biggest desert in the world.
all "All" means every one of some group, or it means the whole of something. If all children in a school are girls, then there are no boys in the school. If we say that it rained all day, it means that it never stopped raining the whole day. [7 definitions]
all at once When something happens all at once, it happens very suddenly. [2 definitions]
all of a sudden When something happens all of a sudden, it happens without warning, and it usually surprises people or even shocks them.
all right When something is all right, it is not hurt, sick, or broken. It is safe. [4 definitions]
all-round all-around.
all the time If something happens all the time, it happens a lot, or it never stops. If you do something a lot, you do it very often, or you do it without stopping.