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appreciate When we appreciate something, we feel that we are happy to have it and that we want to say "thank you" for it. [2 definitions]
cherish If you cherish something, you care about it very much and you appreciate it. It has great value for you, and you would feel sad if you lost it.
honor When you honor someone, you value who they are or what they did. You show them that you respect and appreciate them very much. [1/7 definitions]
thank When you thank someone, you say something to them that shows that you appreciate what they did or gave to you. You thank someone because that person did something nice or good for you. [1/2 definitions]
thankful When you are thankful, you feel or show that you appreciate something. If you are thankful for something, you feel lucky that you have it, or you feel like you want to say "Thank you!" to someone for it. You can be thankful for something even if it isn't exactly what you want. You can be thankful just for someone's kindness.
thanks When someone gives you their thanks, they say that they appreciate something you gave them or did for them. [1/2 definitions]
value When you value someone or something, you appreciate them. They are important to you and you see how good they are. When you value something, you usually care about it and want to keep it or protect it. If you don't value something, maybe you will throw it away. [1/5 definitions]