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aggression an attack or war against a country started without good cause by another country. [1/2 definitions]
aggressive An aggressive country is not friendly and is ready to attack other countries. If a person acts in an aggressive way, they try to hurt other people, or they act as if they want to. [1/2 definitions]
airtight having no weak points that could be open to attack. [1/2 definitions]
alligator a large reptile with short legs, a long body and tail, and a long, wide snout. Alligators are protected by thick skin with many hard bumps. They live in rivers, lakes, swamps, and other bodies of water in the southeast United States and in China. They usually eat insects, fish, turtles, snakes, birds, and other water animals, but have been known to attack small land mammals. They are closely related to crocodiles. Chinese alligators are endangered because their habitat is being changed by people.
ambush a surprise attack made from a hidden place. [3 definitions]
ammunition any means used in a disagreement or battle to attack or defend an opinion. [1/2 definitions]
armor the covering on certain animals that protects them against attack. [1/4 definitions]
assault a violent physical or verbal attack. [3/4 definitions]
attack When you attack your homework, it means that you start working on your homework with a lot of energy. [3/4 definitions]
beset to attack from all sides; besiege.
besiege to surround with soldiers in order to attack or capture. [2 definitions]
bomb to attack or destroy with a bomb or bombs. [1/4 definitions]
bombard to attack with bombs, cannon fire, or artillery. [2 definitions]
bout a period or attack of sickness. [1/2 definitions]
castle A castle is a large, strong building used as a place to live and a place to be safe from attack. Many castles were built a long time ago as places for kings, queens, and other powerful people to live. [1/2 definitions]
charge a military attack. [1/12 definitions]
check the situation in chess in which the king is under attack by an opponent's piece. [1/11 definitions]
CPR a method of reviving heart attack victims by breathing into the mouth and applying strong, rhythmic pressure to the chest. "CPR" is an abbreviation of "cardiopulmonary resuscitation."
feint to move or attack in a way that takes attention away from the real target. [1/2 definitions]
fierce When something is fierce, it is wild and dangerous. Wolves, badgers, and wolverines are some animals that are fierce. When they attack, they attack with great strength and speed, and without fear or mercy. [1/2 definitions]
fit2 a sudden attack, outbreak, or convulsion related to an illness. [1/2 definitions]