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above When you are above something, it means you will not do it because you think it is bad or stupid and it's something that good people or grown-up people don't do. [1/4 definitions]
abuse to use in a way that is wrong or bad; misuse. [3/6 definitions]
acceptable When something is acceptable, people think it is completely OK. They think it is fine and they approve of it. When something is not acceptable, people think it is completely wrong or bad. [1/2 definitions]
accident An accident is something bad that happens when you do not expect it. [1/2 definitions]
act up to behave in a bad or mischievous way; misbehave. [1/2 definitions]
admission An admission is the act of confessing something. It is an act of admitting the truth, whether the truth is a nice thing or a bad thing. An "admission of love" is an acting of revealing that you love someone. An "admission of guilt" is an act of saying you are guilty of something. [1/3 definitions]
adverse causing harm or injury; bad; damaging. [1/2 definitions]
afraid When you think that something could hurt you and you feel like running away from it, it means that you are afraid. Sometimes when you are afraid, you are worried that some bad thing might happen to you or to someone else. [2 definitions]
ageism the act of having a bad opinion of, or not treating in a fair way, a person or group of people based on age. This kind of discrimination is often against older people.
air When you air a room, you open doors and windows so that air can move through it. You air a room to take away smoke, dust, or things that smell bad. When you air something like a pillow or rug, you put it outside so that it will smell cleaner. [1/4 definitions]
alcohol Alcohol is a liquid often made from grain or fruit. Some drinks, such as beer and wine, have alcohol in them. Many adults enjoy the taste of alcohol in drinks, but alcohol can also make people feel and act differently from how they usually feel or act. Drinking some alcohol is usually OK for adults, but drinking a lot of alcohol can sometimes be bad. [1/2 definitions]
allergic When you are allergic to something, like a plant or a food, it does something bad to your body when you eat it or touch it or have some other contact with it.
allergy When you have an allergy to something like a plant or food, something bad happens to your body when you touch it or eat it or have some other contact with it. An allergy can make you sneeze, itch, cough, or make it hard for you to breathe.
alleviate If something alleviates pain, it takes some of the pain away. When something alleviates a bad thing, it makes it easier for people to live with it or accept it.
altogether "Altogether" sometimes means looking at or considering everything. If you had a good day altogether, it means that some good things happened and some bad things happened, but when you look at both good things and bad things together, your general feeling is that it was a good day. [1/2 definitions]
anger Anger is a strong feeling you might have when someone has treated you in a bad way or done something that you think is very wrong or not fair. [1/3 definitions]
apology When you say you are sorry to someone, you are making an apology. An apology tells someone that you feel bad that you did something that hurt or upset that person.
ashamed When you are ashamed, you feel bad about something you did or said. You might have a feeling that you want to go away and hide from other people. [3 definitions]
aside When you put bad feelings aside, you try to forget about them. [1/3 definitions]
at least We use "at least" to say that there is still one good thing even though everything else might be bad. [1/2 definitions]
atrocious (informal) very bad; awful. [1/2 definitions]