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accompany When you accompany one thing with another thing, you add the second thing to make the first thing better or more complete. You might accompany your guitar playing with the beat of a drum to make your sound more complete. You might accompany your sandwich with a glass of juice to make your lunch better. [1/3 definitions]
batter1 to beat hard again and again, or to damage by beating. [1/2 definitions]
beat When you beat something, it means that you hit it again and again. [5/7 definitions]
beaten "Beaten" is a past participle of the verb "beat."
beat the tar out of (informal) to beat or whip severely. [1/2 definitions]
churn to beat or shake in a churn to make butter. [1/4 definitions]
clobber (informal) to strike hard; beat up.
cream to beat something until it is as smooth as cream. [1/6 definitions]
dance Dance is a form of movement that is also an art. It is usually performed to music and follows the beat of music. Dance uses special kinds of movements that are graceful and sometimes difficult. There are many different kinds of dance that people study seriously or learn to do for fun. [1/7 definitions]
defeat to win a victory over; beat in a game or battle. [1/4 definitions]
disco a style of popular dance music with a heavy, steady beat. [1/2 definitions]
down1 (informal) to beat; defeat. [1/13 definitions]
emotion Emotions are feelings that all people have. Love, hate, fear, and anger are some emotions that people feel. Some emotions are so strong that changes in our bodies happen. Sometimes our hearts beat faster, our face turns red, or we start to cry, shake, or laugh. [1/2 definitions]
excitement Excitement is a feeling or display of strong emotion. If you feel excitement about something, you might jump up and down about it, or maybe you can't sleep because of it. Excitement is often a very happy feeling about something that is going to happen, but sometimes it is a feeling of being scared or nervous. Excitement makes your heart beat faster. [1/2 definitions]
exciting Things that make your heart beat fast are exciting. Things like skiing down a mountain, going up in a balloon, or watching an action movie can be exciting. Often, things that are exciting are things that people enjoy, but sometimes they can make people scared or very nervous. Many exciting things are both fun and scary.
flail to beat with a flail, whip, or the fists. [1/4 definitions]
flap to move or beat quickly up and down. [1/5 definitions]
flutter to beat lightly and quickly. [1/5 definitions]
hammer a hand tool with a solid, heavy head on a handle. It is used to pound or to beat something into shape or place. [1/5 definitions]
hummingbird a tiny, brightly colored bird with a long, slender bill and narrow wings that beat very rapidly.
invincible If something is invincible, it is so strong that nothing can beat it. It always wins or survives. If an army is invincible, no other army can beat it. If a person is invincible, they cannot be beaten by anyone or anything.