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advanced beyond an early or beginning level, or beyond the level of others; in a very developed state. [1/2 definitions]
all along from the beginning; the whole time.
alliteration the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of words in a phrase or sentence.
arctic When we talk about the Arctic region or Arctic winds or Arctic seas, we are talking about the area of the world that is farthest north and very cold. The North Pole is at the center of the Arctic region of the earth. The word "Arctic" can be spelled with a capital letter at the beginning or not. [1/3 definitions]
argue to state or claim in support of what one thinks or believes (often followed by a clause beginning with "that"). [1/3 definitions]
as of beginning on; from.
at first in the beginning, or on the first occasion.
attack a sudden beginning of a disease or illness. [1/5 definitions]
bar1 a vertical line that marks the beginning or end of a measure of music, or the music between two of these lines. [1/10 definitions]
bar mitzvah a Jewish ceremony that celebrates a boy becoming an adult and the beginning of his religious duties. The bar mitzvah usually takes place when the boy is thirteen years old.
BASIC a beginning computer language. BASIC stands for "beginner's all-purpose symbolic instruction code."
bat mitzvah a Jewish ceremony that celebrates a girl becoming an adult and the beginning of her religious duties. The bat mitzvah usually takes place when the girl is thirteen years old.
beginning The beginning is the first part of something. [2 definitions]
birth beginning; origin. [1/3 definitions]
bring about When people bring something about, they make it happen or make it exist. Things that are "brought about" are often big things, like a major change, a new beginning, or an end to something.
bud1 a swelling on a plant that can grow into new parts, such as leaves or a flower. [1/4 definitions]
burst A burst of something is a sudden beginning or explosion of something. [1/6 definitions]
capillary a tiny blood vessel joining the end of an artery to the beginning of a vein.
century one of the hundred-year periods into which human history is divided. Centuries are usually counted forward or backward from the beginning of the Christian era. [1/2 definitions]
commencement the act or time of beginning. [1/2 definitions]
compromise A compromise is a certain type of agreement. In a compromise, two sides don't agree about something in the beginning but they finally reach an agreement after each side gives up something. [2 definitions]