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albatross a very large sea bird found mostly in the Southern Hemisphere. Albatrosses have webbed feet, long narrow wings, and hooked beaks.
auk a sea bird with webbed feet and short wings that lives in colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere. Auks are good at swimming and diving.
bald eagle A bald eagle is a type of eagle that lives in the United States, northern Mexico, and Canada. An eagle is a large bird with a strong, curved beak and big, sharp claws. A bald eagle is an especially large eagle and is dark brown with a white head and tail.
beak the hard, curved mouth parts of a bird; bill.
bill2 A bill is the hard structure that forms the mouth of a bird. A bill sticks out from the bird's face. Another word for "bill" is "beak."
bird A bird is an animal that has two wings, two feet, and a body covered with feathers. Most birds can fly. Robins, chickens, and ducks are birds.
birdhouse something constructed by humans as a place for a bird to build its nest. A birdhouse often looks like a small, simple house.
blue jay a common jay bird of eastern North America. A blue jay has a crest on its head and a bright blue upper body with white and black markings on its wings and tail.
bobwhite a brown and white North American bird that is named for its call. Bobwhites are a kind of quail.
buzzard a very large bird with a hooked bill and sharp claws; American vulture.
call the sound made by a bird or animal. [1/10 definitions]
canary a small yellow or greenish bird often kept as a pet. Canaries are native to the Canary Islands and are a kind of finch. [1/2 definitions]
cardinal A cardinal is a bird that is native to North America. It is easy to recognize a male cardinal because it has bright red feathers and a kind of black mask around its beak. The adult female cardinal is brown and olive green with bits of red showing through. Cardinals can often be seen in the winter in places where it's cold. [1/2 definitions]
caw A caw is a harsh sound that some birds make. A black bird called a crow makes this sound. [2 definitions]
chick a bird that has just hatched or a young bird, especially a young chicken.
chickadee a small North American bird with a gray body and black head and throat.
chicken a common farm bird that is raised for its meat and eggs. [2/3 definitions]
chirp When a small bird or an insect chirps, it makes a very short, high-pitched sound. Chirping is a way that these animals communicate with each other. Sometimes we say that a cell phone "chirps" when it makes a sound similar to this.
crane a tall wading bird with long legs and a long neck and bill. A whooping crane is one kind of crane. [1/3 definitions]
crop a pouch in the digestive system of a bird, between its mouth and stomach. The crop stores food and prepares it for digestion. [1/7 definitions]
crow1 a shiny black bird known for its shrill, harsh cry. Crows are often seen looking for food.