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Children's Dictionary
bite the act of biting. [1/10 definitions]
crunch to chew with a crackling noise; crush by biting. [1/3 definitions]
molar1 a large tooth located in the back of the mouth, with a broad biting surface used for grinding food.
muzzle a device made of leather or wire mesh that is placed over this part of the head to keep the animal from biting, eating, or barking. [2/6 definitions]
sharp biting to the sense of taste or smell. [1/10 definitions]
strike to hurt by biting. [1/15 definitions]
tart1 sour or acid in taste; sharp; biting.
tooth one of the hard, white, bony objects that grow in rows in the jaws of people and animals. Teeth are used for biting and chewing. [1/3 definitions]
venom the poison that certain snakes, insects, scorpions, and other animals produce. Venom is put into prey by biting or stinging.