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authority An authority is a person who has the right or power to make decisions and command others. A person's boss is an authority over them. [1/4 definitions]
boss1 to act like the boss of; order or tell what to do. [1/2 definitions]
employment Employment is the act of taking in a new person or new people to do work that they will be paid to do. Employment is something that a boss or a company does. [1/3 definitions]
fire When a boss fires someone, they tell that person that they cannot work at their job anymore. [1/9 definitions]
interview If someone interviews another person, they ask them a lot of questions. If someone wants a job, the boss might interview them to see if they are the right person for the job. People on TV often interview people so that the people watching can learn about these people or about what they think or what they know. [1/3 definitions]
promote If a boss of a company promotes someone, he or she moves that person to a higher position in the company. [1/3 definitions]
reprimand If someone reprimands another person, they strongly tell that person that they have done something bad or wrong. People who reprimand other people are usually in a position of strong authority over them. Officers often reprimand soldiers if they break a rule, for example. A boss sometimes reprimands a worker. [1/2 definitions]
sack1 If we say that someone got sacked, we mean that they got fired from their job. It means that their boss said they can't work at that place anymore. "Sack" is a slang word for "fire." [1/5 definitions]
secretary A secretary is a person who works in an office as an assistant to the boss or other person. A secretary does many things in the office such as writing emails and letters, answering the telephone, arranging meetings, organizing things for the office, and keeping important information. [1/2 definitions]
under When you are under someone, it means that you are below them in position or importance. It means that they are your boss or leader. [1/9 definitions]