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bulb Many plants grow from seeds, but some plants grow from something called bulbs instead. A bulb is a small round thing that grows out of part of a plant under the ground. From this bulb, a new plant starts to grow under the ground near the first one. Sometimes people cut off bulbs from plants and put these bulbs in the ground in some other place to grow. Some flowers, such as tulips, grow from bulbs. [2 definitions]
clove2 one of the small plant bulbs formed from the main bulb.
hourglass an instrument used to measure time that sends sand through a narrow opening between two larger glass bulbs. It takes exactly one hour for the sand to pass from one bulb to the other.
hyacinth a plant that bears tall stalks of colorful flowers that have a sweet smell. The hyacinth grows from a bulb and is related to the lily.
leek a plant related to the onion. It has wide, green leaves and a long white bulb.
light bulb A light bulb is a glass object that fits into a lamp or similar device and produces light.
lily a plant that grows from a bulb and has large flowers shaped like bells or trumpets. [1/3 definitions]
narcissus a kind of plant that has yellow or white flowers and long, thin leaves. The narcissus grows from a bulb planted in the soil. Its flowers are shaped like a tube. [1/3 definitions]
onion a round bulb with a sharp taste and smell. Onions are used in cooking and as a flavoring. [1/2 definitions]
scallion an onion with a small white bulb and long green leaves shaped like tubes.
screw When you screw a light bulb into a lamp, you attach it to the lamp by putting the bulb into the short round tube at the top of the lamp and turning the bulb around many times. [1/3 definitions]
tulip a plant that grows from a bulb. Tulips have large leaves shaped like lances and flowers that are shaped like cups. [2 definitions]
vacuum a space or container from which most of the air has been removed. Outer space and the inside of a light bulb are examples of vacuums. [1/4 definitions]