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cacao Cacao is the seed from a certain kind of tree that mainly grows in warm areas of South America, Africa, and Asia. The seed is used in making chocolate and cocoa. The tree that grows the seed is also called cacao.
chocolate a food substance that is made from ground cacao seeds. Chocolate is not sweet, but it is often used in candy and other sweet foods. It is also used in making certain kinds of sauces. [1/6 definitions]
cocoa a powder made by grinding the dried seeds of the cacao tree and removing the fat. [1/3 definitions]
Ghana Ghana is a country in western Africa. It is on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. In parts of Ghana there are many cacao trees. These trees make seeds that are used for making cocoa. Ghana produces much of the cocoa that is used in the whole world. When you eat chocolate or drink a cup of hot cocoa, think of Ghana!