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advice an idea or opinion offered as help in making a choice or a decision.
alternative the choice of one or more options. [2/3 definitions]
be sorry to suffer for an action or a choice one has made.
be up to to be the choice or responsibility of (someone or something); depend on.
choice When you make a choice, you pick something. [4 definitions]
decide to make a choice in one's mind. [1/3 definitions]
decision When you make a decision, you make a choice between two or more things.
dilemma a situation that requires a choice between two actions, neither of which will be a good solution.
either one or the other. [2/5 definitions]
elect When you elect to do something, you choose or decide from among different things that you could do. When you elect to ride the bus to school, it means that you make a decision to take the bus to school rather than go some other way. When you elect to do something, it is often an important choice that is reported to other people. [1/2 definitions]
end up to enter into a situation or place or action as the final choice or result.
fall back on to have another choice if something does not work out; resort to.
final When something is final, it will not be changed. If your choice to do something is final, it means that you will not change what you have decided to do. [1/4 definitions]
former1 If you have a choice between one thing and another and you choose the former thing, it means you choose the first one. If you have a choice between swimming or boating, and you choose the former thing, it means you choose swimming. [1/3 definitions]
involuntary not caused or decided by one's own choice, will, or wish. [1/2 definitions]
leave no stone unturned to use every means possible; consider every choice.
option An option is a choice. It is one of a number of things that are possible for you to choose from. If chocolate ice cream is one of your options, then it is one of the possible things you can have, but you must choose among them. [1/2 definitions]
optional left to someone's choice; not required.
or When you can have ice cream or cake, it means that you have a choice between ice cream and cake You cannot have both, but you can have one. If it will rain tomorrow or just be cloudy, it means that there are two possibilities for the weather tomorrow. One is that it will rain. The other is that it will just be cloudy. [1/5 definitions]
pick1 an act of choosing; choice. [1/9 definitions]
prime first in choice or value. [1/5 definitions]