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among in the group or class of. [1/5 definitions]
aristocracy a class of people who have a high social position because of the family they are born into. Members of the aristocracy are usually richer and have more privileges than other members of society. [2 definitions]
article the words "a," "an," and "the." These are used before nouns to express whether the noun is a specific example of something ("the chair") or whether the noun is just one of a class of things ("a chair," "an apple"). [1/4 definitions]
break When you stop what you are doing to do something else, you take a break. In school, you take a break from your class work to go outside or to eat your lunch. [1/9 definitions]
call on When a teacher calls on a student in class, they ask the student to give an answer, or they give the student permission to speak. If a student raises their hand in class, it is usually a signal for the teacher to call on them. [1/2 definitions]
category a particular section of a main group; class.
class a group of people or things that are similar in certain ways. [5/8 definitions]
classic typical of a class or category; serving as an example against which others are judged. [1/4 definitions]
classmate a person in the same class as another at a college or school.
coach a section of seats on an airplane or train. Tickets for this section are less expensive than first class. [1/6 definitions]
common noun a noun that indicates a class of things or a general member of a class of things, people, or places. Common nouns usually have articles. (Compare with "proper noun.")
corporal2 an officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps who is ranked below sergeant and above private first class.
each "Each" means "every one of two or more things." If each child brings something to show the class, then every one of the children brings something to show. [1/3 definitions]
everybody Everybody means every person. If everybody in your class likes music, then all the people in the class like it.
field trip a trip away from class by a group of students to learn or gain experience.
flashcard A flash card is one of a set of cards with words, numbers, or pictures on them. Each card gives a problem to be solved or requires a learner to remember certain information. The answer appears on the opposite side of the card. Each card is shown just for a moment in front of a student or class to get them to respond quickly. The cards are usually used to review information that has been studied before.
front When you go to a store, you usually enter the front of the store. It is the part that is most forward. At school, your teacher usually stands at the front of the class. [1/6 definitions]
gym "Gym" also means "physical education," or "P.E." A class in P.E. teaches students how to exercise and play sports. [1/3 definitions]
include to put in a group or class. [1/2 definitions]
intellectual a person of great intellect, often considered to be one of a group or class of such people. [1/3 definitions]
junior of the class above sophomore and below senior in U.S. colleges and high schools; third year. [1/5 definitions]