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cirrus a type of cloud that usually appears in the form of strings or threads.
cloud something like a cloud, such as dust or smoke. [1/5 definitions]
cumulus a large, fluffy, white cloud with a flat bottom.
fog a thick mass, like a cloud, made up of tiny water drops floating in the air near the ground; mist. [1/4 definitions]
foggy When something is foggy, it is full of or covered by fog. Fog is many, many tiny water drops that float in the air near the ground. Fog looks like a cloud that has come down near the earth. When fog is thick, it is very hard to see through. [1/2 definitions]
mist a mass or cloud of tiny water drops in the air. [1/4 definitions]
nebula a cloud of dust or gas found between the stars. A nebula may seem either bright or dark, depending on how it reacts with light.
partly When the sun is partly hidden by a cloud, it means that some of the sun is hidden but not all of it. If you are partly to blame for something, you deserve some of the blame for it but not all of it.
reality Reality is all of what we know to exist and be true. Reality is not created by imagination. What we see in dreams at night is not reality. If someone believes they are riding a duck over a cloud of soap bubbles, their mind is not seeing reality. [1/2 definitions]
shadow When your house is shadowed by a cloud, it means that the cloud puts your house in a kind of darkness. [1/3 definitions]
smoke the visible black, gray, or white gases given off into the air by something that is burning. [1/6 definitions]
thundercloud a large, dark storm cloud that makes lightning and thunder. Thunderclouds are charged with electricity.
tornado a storm of very strong winds that often form a dark cloud that is shaped like a funnel. Although it does not last long, a tornado destroys everything in its path.