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beverage A beverage is any kind of liquid that people drink that is not water or medicine. Juice, milk, soda, tea, and coffee are beverages.
black When someone drinks black coffee, it means that they drink it without cream or milk. [1/3 definitions]
brown Brown is a color made with red and yellow and black. Chocolate, mud, and coffee usually have this color. [1/3 definitions]
Burundi Burundi is a country in Africa. Two of its neighbors are Tanzania and Rwanda. Part of Burundi lies on the shore of a big and very deep lake called Lake Tanganyika. Burundi has a lot of plants that produce coffee beans. Burundi sells a lot of the coffee beans to other countries.
café A café is a kind of restaurant that serves simple meals. It is usually small, and it is a place where you can feel relaxed. Cafés are especially popular as places for breakfast and lunch. Some adults just like to sit in a cafe and drink coffee and eat a pastry.
caffeine a bitter substance found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and some sodas. Caffeine stimulates the heart and nervous system and can cause a person to stay awake and alert.
coffee Coffee is a dark brown drink made from the beans of a coffee plant. This plant grows in very warm areas around the world. The taste of coffee is a little bitter, so many people add milk or sugar to it.
coffeepot a pot for making or serving coffee.
coffee shop a small restaurant that specializes in serving coffee, snacks, and light meals.
coffee table A coffee table is a long, low table that many people have in their living room. A coffee table is usually placed in front of a couch, and it is used as a place to put things like drinks, snacks, books, and magazines.
Colombia Colombia is a country in South America. Colombia has beaches on both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. Colombia has many mountains too, but the weather in Colombia is not too cold or too hot. Coffee plants grow in Colombia, and many kinds of fruits grow there too. People in Colombia speak Spanish.
Cote d'Ivoire Cote d'Ivoire is a country in Africa. It is on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, and it is next to Liberia and Ghana. The name Cote d'Ivoire is French, and it means Ivory Coast in English. Ivory is a white material that comes from the tusks of elephants. At one time, Cote d'Ivoire was a center for selling ivory, gold, and pepper to people from Europe. Nowadays, Cote d'Ivoire still sells gold, and it sells a lot of cocoa, coffee, and oil for fuel.
cream Cream is the part of milk that has fat in it. It can be taken away from the rest of the milk and used by itself. Cream that we buy in a store looks like milk, but it is thicker. Many adults put cream in their coffee. [1/3 definitions]
creamer a white liquid manufactured to taste and look similar to natural cream, used especially in coffee or tea. [1/2 definitions]
cup A cup is something that can hold liquid and that we use for drinking. People often drink cocoa, coffee, and tea from a cup, and young children often use a cup to drink juice or milk. Cups can be made from different materials but not usually from glass. Many cups have a handle on the side. [1/5 definitions]
dregs solid matter that sinks to the bottom of drinks such as wine or coffee. [1/2 definitions]
drink When you drink something, like water or juice, you take it into your body through your mouth. Most animals drink only water, but humans drink many kinds of things, such as milk, soda, coffee, and tea. [1/4 definitions]
Ethiopia Ethiopia is a country in Africa. Some of its neighbors are Sudan, Somalia, and Kenya. Ethiopia is a large country with many types of land and different types of climate. Much of the land in Ethiopia is very high with many mountains, but there are low lands also. In the low lands, there are both deserts and jungles. Coffee plants grow well in Ethiopia, and Ethiopia sells a lot of coffee to people in other countries.
Guinea Guinea is a country in Africa. It is on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. Two of its neighbors are Senegal and Sierra Leone. Most people in Guinea make a living by farming. Guinea produces a lot of fruits, coffee, and peanuts. Guinea also has a lot of important minerals, so many people do mining. Fishing is important too. Some of Africa's most important rivers begin in Guinea.
Haiti Haiti is an island country in the Caribbean Sea. It shares its island with another country called the Dominican Republic. People in Haiti speak French. Many people make a living in Haiti by growing crops, such as coffee, cocoa or fruits. Some people cut trees in the forest, or do fishing, or mine for gold and other minerals. Many people in the cities work for the government or in small businesses.
Honduras Honduras is a country in Central America. It lies along the shore of the Caribbean Sea. One part of the country also touches the Pacific Ocean. The neighbors of Honduras are Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. Honduras has plains, mountains, and rainforest. Honduras grows a lot of coffee plants, fruits, and sugar cane.