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ablaze like fire in color. [1/2 definitions]
abstract When a painting or sculpture is abstract, you can't tell what it is. It has shapes and maybe color, but it's not a clear picture of anything. The artist may be trying to suggest a feeling or idea or maybe even people and things, but the artist is not trying to show those people and things as they are in reality. [1/3 definitions]
air the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth. Air is made up of oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases, and has no taste, odor, or color. [1/6 definitions]
almond a light tan color like the inner part of the seed of the almond. [1/3 definitions]
aluminum Aluminum is a strong, lightweight metal with a silver color. It is used to make things such as metal car parts, cooking pots, and foil wrap.
amber a yellowish brown color. [1/2 definitions]
apricot An apricot is a soft, round fruit with fuzzy skin. Its color is light orange, sometimes with a bit of pink in it. Apricots look similar to peaches, but they are smaller and taste a little different. Apricots are often made into jam.
aqua the color that comes from mixing blue, green, and a small amount of white paint.
auburn the color that comes from mixing brown and red paint.
azure the color of a clear blue sky. [2 definitions]
band2 a stripe or strip that contrasts with its surroundings in color or material. [1/4 definitions]
beige the color that comes from mixing tan and gray paint.
black the color of the night sky; the darkest color. [2/7 definitions]
blackboard a smooth, hard panel for writing on with chalk; chalkboard. Blackboards are often made of slate and have a dark color.
black sheep Someone who is very different from the rest of their family or group is sometimes called "the black sheep." Sometimes the other members of the family or group are ashamed of this person because they do bad things or they are not as successful as they are. Sometimes a person is called a "black sheep" just because they think very differently from the rest of the group and want to have a different kind of life. In a real group of animal sheep, most of the sheep have a light color. Only a few sheep in the group might have a dark color.
blaze1 an intense display of color. [1/4 definitions]
bleach to make white or lighter in color by using a chemical or sunlight. [3 definitions]
blond having a light yellow color. [1/3 definitions]
blue the color of a clear sky; the color between green and violet on the color spectrum. [2/3 definitions]
blueberry a small round berry that is blue in color and can be eaten. [1/2 definitions]
bluegrass a grass with a blue-green color that is grown in pastures and on lawns. Kentucky is famous for bluegrass. [1/2 definitions]