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appoint When a top person appoints someone to do a special job, they choose that person to do that job. Appointing is a kind of command from the top person, but usually the person who is appointed is willing or happy to be chosen to do the job. Also, they can usually say "no" if they want to.
authority An authority is a person who has the right or power to make decisions and command others. A person's boss is an authority over them. [1/4 definitions]
bark1 When you say something like a command in a loud or harsh way, we say that you bark the command. [1/3 definitions]
be used to introduce a command to act in a certain way. [1/8 definitions]
behold look or observe (used as a command or exclamation). [1/2 definitions]
bid to direct; command. [1/4 definitions]
command When you command someone, you tell them what to do in a powerful way. [2/4 definitions]
control to use power to manage or command. [1/6 definitions]
dictate People with power are able to dictate things. When a person or institution dictates something, other people have to do that thing. That thing is an order or command. [1/2 definitions]
direct to control by giving orders; command. [1/9 definitions]
direction an order or command. [1/4 definitions]
exclamation point a punctuation mark (!) used after an exclamation, interjection, or command; exclamation mark.
fleet1 a group of navy ships under one command. [1/2 definitions]
halt1 used as a command to stop. "Halt!" is often used to direct marching troops or to stop a person from going into a particular area. [1/4 definitions]
headquarters the place or center of command of a military unit or police force. [1/2 definitions]
instruct to order or direct; command. [1/2 definitions]
lead1 to command or direct; take charge of. [1/13 definitions]
mandate the command or message given to an elected official by the votes of the people. [2/3 definitions]
must1 to be required to; ought to; should;. [1/4 definitions]
obey to follow or carry out the command, instruction, or wishes of. [1/3 definitions]
officer a person who has the power to command and lead others in the armed forces. [1/3 definitions]