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apostrophe1 this mark used in plurals of letters or numbers. An example of this use is "You forgot to cross your t's." [1/3 definitions]
Atlantic Ocean The Atlantic Ocean is one of the five oceans on our planet. An ocean is a large body of salt water that covers a very large part of the earth. It is much bigger than a sea or lake. If you want to travel from America to Africa or Europe, you have to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
block If two streets cross two other streets in a town, the area inside the streets is called a block. We also use the word block to talk about the distance between one street and the next street. [1/3 definitions]
cancel to mark, cross out, or change to keep from being used again. [1/2 definitions]
cross something in the shape of a cross that is used as a symbol for Christianity. [1/10 definitions]
crossing a place where two roads, routes, or railroad tracks cross each other. [1/2 definitions]
crossing guard a person who directs traffic and helps children to cross the streets around a school.
cross out If you write a word and then you cross it out, it means you put a line or an X through the word.
crossroad the place where two roads cross one another; intersection.
crosswalk a lane or path in a road that is marked off for people to cross on foot.
ford to cross at a ford. [1/2 definitions]
grid parallel horizontal and vertical lines that cross each other to form squares of equal size. Grids are used to locate points on a map or to make diagrams. [1/2 definitions]
grouchy likely to be cross and complaining.
grumpy in a bad mood; cross.
intersect to meet or cross at a point. [1/2 definitions]
lattice a flat framework made with strips of wood or other material. The strips cross each other and have open spaces in between. A lattice is often used as a screen on a porch or in a garden.
loom1 A loom is a device or machine that is used for weaving fabric. A loom lets you cross strings of yarn over and under each other many times to create a piece of fabric. With a traditional loom, a person puts the strings of yarn into the loom by hand. Weaving can also be done with looms that are machines.
miss1 to fail to hit, catch, reach, cross, or touch. [1/8 definitions]
monsoon A monsoon is a set of winds that blow across a region at one time of the year and blow across it from the opposite direction at another time of the year. Often, when we talk about monsoons, we are talking about the winds that cross India and Southeast Asia in the summer and in the winter. When these winds come across in the summer they bring a lot of rain. It can rain very hard for many days.
parallel lying or moving in the same direction and being the same distance apart at every point. Parallel lines never meet or cross each other. [1/5 definitions]
plaid When a shirt, jacket, or skirt is plaid, it has a pattern of stripes of different sizes and colors that cross each other. [2 definitions]