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abuse cruel or harmful treatment. [1/6 definitions]
atrocious very evil, cruel, or brutal. [1/2 definitions]
beast a part of human nature which is rude, cruel, or like a wild animal. [1/2 definitions]
bloodthirsty eager to cause or interested in acts of bloodshed; cruel.
bloody cruel; vicious. [1/3 definitions]
brutal cruel or savage.
brute a cruel or unkind person. [1/2 definitions]
cold-blooded done without kindness or other feelings; cruel. [1/2 definitions]
cruel When someone is cruel, they hurt other people or animals and don't care that they cause pain. [2 definitions]
cruelty the state or characteristic of being cruel. [2 definitions]
devil a bad, cruel, or wicked person; villain. [1/3 definitions]
disapprove If you disapprove of something, you think it is bad and wrong. Most people disapprove of people being cruel to animals, for example. Let's say your parents disapprove of one of your friends. That means that they feel this person will not be a good friend for you. They believe they will not treat you well, or they will influence you in some bad way.
foul When someone does a foul thing, they do a very bad or cruel thing, or something that is completely not fair. [1/9 definitions]
gentle When someone is gentle, they are kind and never want to bring pain or trouble to other people or animals. A gentle person is not mean or cruel. [1/4 definitions]
harsh When someone is harsh to other people, it means that they are mean or cruel, or they punish people hard. [1/3 definitions]
humane If people act in a humane way, they treat other people or animals with kindness and are not cruel to them.
inhuman without human feelings such as warmth, mercy, or sympathy; cruel, brutal, or not caring.
iron stern or cruel; hard. [1/9 definitions]
massacre the killing of a large number of people or animals in a cruel and violent manner. [2 definitions]
mean2 not nice; nasty or cruel. [1/2 definitions]
mercy If someone is suffering and you show mercy to them or treat them with mercy, it means you treat them in a kind way and try to stop their suffering Sometimes showing mercy means to stop treating someone in a cruel way oneself or to make others stop being cruel. [1/3 definitions]