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affect1 When one thing affects another thing, it makes a change in it or causes something to happen to it. The weather is something that often affects the way people feel. If it is a sunny day, people often feel happy and as if they have more energy. If a big storm affects an area, it probably causes some damage or harm there. [1/2 definitions]
apron An apron is a piece of clothing that people sometimes wear when they cook or clean or do some other kinds of work. People wear an apron over their other clothing to keep the clothes clean or protect them from damage. An apron covers the front of the body, or part of it.
bad When something is bad, it is strong and can cause damage. [1/8 definitions]
bang up to damage or injure, as in a collision.
batter1 to beat hard again and again, or to damage by beating. [1/2 definitions]
blemish to damage or spoil the perfection of. [1/3 definitions]
boll weevil a small beetle with a gray body and a long snout. It lays eggs in the seed pods of the cotton plant where they hatch and cause much damage to crops.
bomb A bomb is a metal container with something inside it that can explode. When a bomb explodes, it can cause terrible damage and harm to things and people. Bombs are used as weapons.
break to damage or make no longer usable. [1/19 definitions]
bruise to wound or damage without causing a break in the skin or bone. [1/3 definitions]
bumper the heavy bar on the front and back of cars and trucks that protects the vehicle from damage if it hits something. [1/2 definitions]
burn to hurt or damage by too much heat. [1/8 definitions]
computer virus a code added to a computer program that can attach itself to and seriously damage other programs.
cripple to damage or cause not to work well. [1/3 definitions]
cushion something that softens a blow or protects against damage. [1/4 definitions]
damage If something has damage, it means that something bad has happened to it and now it is broken or not perfect anymore. If a big tree falls on a car, it will cause damage to the car. If you say something mean to a friend, you might cause damage to your friendship. [2 definitions]
deface to damage the surface or appearance of.
deform to damage the shape or form of.
destroy If you destroy something, you damage it so much that it cannot be fixed. Fires can destroy buildings and forests. Earthquakes can destroy highways and bridges.
destruction Destruction is the ways things are after there has been terrible damage. The result of a large fire or earthquake is destruction. [1/2 definitions]
deteriorate to cause damage to, especially little by little. [1/2 definitions]