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alive When something has life, it is alive. If someone is breathing, that person is alive. Anything that is alive is not dead. [1/2 definitions]
autopsy a medical examination of a dead body to find the cause of death.
burial the act of putting a dead body underground or in the sea.
carcass the body of a dead animal.
casket a box in which a dead person is buried; coffin.
cemetery a place where the dead are buried; graveyard.
coffin a box in which a dead person is buried.
compost Compost is something that is good to mix with soil to grow new things. Compost is made up of things like old vegetables, dead plants, and dead leaves. [2 definitions]
corpse a dead human body.
court a short street with a dead end. [1/8 definitions]
cuticle the tough, dead skin along the bottom edge and sides of the fingernails and toenails.
dandruff a thin white crust of dead skin that forms on the scalp and is shed in flakes.
dead no longer alive. [9/8 definitions]
Dead Sea a large salt lake between the countries of Israel and Jordan. The Dead Sea lies at about 1300 feet below sea level, which makes it the lowest known place on the surface of the earth.
deceased no longer alive; dead. [2 definitions]
die1 to stop living; become dead. [1/4 definitions]
done for (informal) dying or dead; near death.
fallen dead. [1/3 definitions]
fertilizer Fertilizer is a substance that people add to soil to help plants grow. It is often made from dead plants and certain minerals. Manure from farm animals can also be used as fertilizer.
fossil fuel Fossil fuels are fuels that started out as dead plants and animals that existed millions of years ago in prehistoric times. The bodies of the dead plants and animals broke down into different substances over all those millions of years. They became things like coal, petroleum, and natural gas. These fuels and others made in this way are called fossil fuels because they came from these extremely old things.
funeral a ceremony for a dead person.