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autopsy a medical examination of a dead body to find the cause of death.
banshee a female spirit in Irish folk stories. Banshees wail to predict someone's death.
Buddhism Buddhism is one of the major religions of the world. Most people whose religion is Buddhism live in East Asia and Southeast Asia. People who follow Buddhism are called Buddhists. It might be better to say that Buddhism is a way of thinking about how to live one's life instead of saying that it is a religion. This is because most Buddhists do not believe that their great teacher, Buddha, is a god. In fact, Buddhists do not believe in one, all powerful God who created the world. Still, people call Buddhism a religion because it tries to answer some of the important questions about life and death that religions try to answer.
capital1 able to be punished by death. [1/8 definitions]
dead seeming like death. [1/8 definitions]
deadly able to cause death. [1/3 definitions]
death Death is the end of the life of a living thing. When death happens, a person, animal, or plant stops living. [2 definitions]
done for (informal) dying or dead; near death.
dying close to death; losing life.
execute to put to death by law. [1/2 definitions]
execution the following through of a death sentence. [1/3 definitions]
fatal causing or able to cause death. [1/2 definitions]
gladiator a man in ancient Rome who fought other men or animals, often to the death, to entertain an audience.
Good Friday a Christian holiday on the Friday before Easter Sunday that marks the death of Jesus Christ.
gospel (capitalized) any of the four accounts of Jesus Christ's life, death, and teachings in the New Testament books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. [1/3 definitions]
Hamlet the title character in one of Shakespeare's plays. Hamlet is a prince who avenges his father's death by slaying the murderer.
heart attack If someone has a heart attack, it means that suddenly blood is not getting to their heart. This causes damage to the heart muscle, which is very serious. A severe heart attack can cause death.
heaven (often cap.) in some religions, the abode of God, where the souls of the good and faithful will dwell after death. [1/4 definitions]
heir a person who receives or has the right to receive another person's property or title after that person's death.
hell the place where evil spirits live and where wicked people are punished after death, according to the Bible. [1/2 definitions]
Hinduism the main religion of India, which has many gods that are part of the same supreme being. Hinduism has a strict system of social classes and a belief that the soul can be born again after death into a different body.