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adviser An adviser is a person who helps you decide what to do by giving you information or by giving you their opinion. An adviser often has special knowledge of something and that's why they are able to help.
agreement When people make an agreement, they make a plan about something together. They decide what to do and what each person's job or role will be. [1/4 definitions]
appoint to set or decide on. [1/2 definitions]
arrangement When you make arrangements for something, you make plans and get things ready for it. When you make arrangements for a wedding, you decide the place for it, invite people, choose the cake, and many other things. [1/4 definitions]
bill1 A bill is what a law is called before it really becomes a law. People in a government discuss a bill and decide whether to approve it or not. If the bill is approved, then it becomes a law. [1/4 definitions]
call off to decide not to do or have; cancel.
cancel to do away with; decide against; call off. [1/2 definitions]
championship (sometimes plural) one or more contests held to decide the champion. [1/2 definitions]
check out (informal) When people check out something, they try it or take a look at it. They check it out to see what it is, or to see if they like it, or to decide what they think about it. [1/4 definitions]
choose to decide (often followed by "to"). [1/2 definitions]
classify When you classify a thing, you decide which type it is or which group it should go in. [1/2 definitions]
complicate When something complicates another thing, it adds something to it that makes it more difficult to do, decide, or understand.
conscience the sense that allows a person to decide between right and wrong actions.
consider When you consider something, you think about it and decide whether it's a good thing to do or not. [1/3 definitions]
convention A convention is a very large meeting of people who all have the same interest in something. They often have the same type of job or position. They might all be doctors, for example. People go to a convention to learn new things or to decide something important with the others. People often come from a long distance to be at a convention. Conventions usually go on for a few days, so people often stay at hotels. [1/2 definitions]
convict If a group of people convicts a person of a crime, it means they have decided that this person is guilty. In a court of law, the twelve people who decide if someone is guilty or not guilty is called the "jury." [1/2 definitions]
court the judges or other people who hear and decide legal cases. [1/8 definitions]
criteria Criteria are particular things you look for when you judge something and make a decision. Criteria are like little tests. For example, if someone wants to buy a computer, they don't usually buy just any computer. They choose based on certain things. These things are their criteria. They might decide that the computer must be under a certain price. It must have a certain amount of memory. It must have a certain speed, and it must look good and be of the right size. If a computer passes all these criteria, then they judge that it is what they are looking for. "Criteria" is a plural noun. The singular form is "criterion."
debate When you debate something, you try to decide what you think about it. You think about what the good things are and what the bad things are, and you try to make a decision. [1/4 definitions]
decide When you decide something, you think about it and make a choice about what is best. [2 definitions]
decree to order or decide officially. [1/2 definitions]