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adversity a condition of trouble or difficulty.
anemia a medical condition caused by having too few red blood cells or red blood cells that are not working properly. People with anemia may be pale, feel weak, and have difficulty breathing.
autism Autism is a certain problem with the mind. Autism develops in some children, and in these children it begins to show when they are very young. Autism continues in people even when they become adults, though. When a child has autism, they have problems with language and problems interacting with other people. Some children may seem as if they are not interested in other people at all. Some children with autism have difficulty learning language, and those who learn language well may have difficulty knowing how to use language with other people. They may talk about the same thing all the time, for example.
caregiver a person, like a nurse or aide, who takes care of a person who is sick or has difficulty taking care of themselves. [1/2 definitions]
childish If a person acts in a childish way, they act in some of the ways that little children act. They refuse to do things that make sense. They have difficulty being patient, and they can get very angry about things that are not really so important. They can be greedy. Sometimes they think only about their own feelings and nobody else's. Sometimes acting in a childish way, just means acting like a child and not like an adult acts.
clamber to climb with difficulty or in an awkward way, using hands and feet.
clean done or made without difficulty or mistake. [1/6 definitions]
comfort Comfort is a nice feeling of having no pain or difficulty. [1/3 definitions]
compassion Compassion is a kind of feeling. If you have compassion, you understand and care about how other people feel, and you are able to feel the pain or difficulty that other people experience. When you feel compassion, you want to help others. You want to relieve their pain or make their lives easier.
cross a difficulty or burden. [1/10 definitions]
difficulty When something gives you difficulty, it means is hard to do or figure out. [3 definitions]
ease ability to do something without difficulty. [1/4 definitions]
encounter When you encounter difficulty or something bad, it suddenly happens and causes a problem for you that you have to face. [1/4 definitions]
gasp a sudden, brief taking in of air through the mouth, because of surprise or difficulty breathing. [1/3 definitions]
hardly When you can hardly do something, it's almost impossible to do it. You can do it, but only with very great difficulty. If you can hardly hear someone on the telephone, then it is almost impossible for you to hear them. You have to ask them to speak louder.
hardship a condition of great want, suffering, or difficulty. [1/2 definitions]
heave to let out loudly or with difficulty. [1/6 definitions]
indigestion difficulty in digesting food. [2 definitions]
injury Injury is damage to a part of the body. Injury is also something that can cause pain or great difficulty in a person's life. [1/2 definitions]
insomnia difficulty in getting to sleep.
labor to go with difficulty; struggle. [1/5 definitions]