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aardvark a large mammal with a long snout, long ears, a long tail, and with long fur mostly around its legs. Aardvarks are active at night, when they use their powerful claws to dig open ant or termite nests. They catch their food with their long, sticky tongue. Aardvarks live in southern and central Africa. Although they are sometimes called anteaters, aardvarks are not closely related to any other kind of mammal.
anthill a pile of earth made by ants as they dig their underground nest. Anthills are found near the nest entrance.
archaeological Something that is archaeological has something to do with archaeology. Archaeology is the study of human life a very long time ago. People who study archaeology dig up ancient things from the earth, such as pottery, tools, and even buildings. Then they study these things to understand how people lived very long ago
archaeology Archaeology is the study of human life a very long time ago. People who study archaeology dig up ancient things from the earth, such as pottery, tools, and buildings. Then they study these things to understand how people lived very long ago.
burrow to dig into or in the earth. [1/3 definitions]
clam to search or dig for clams. [1/2 definitions]
claw to scratch, tear, dig, or pull with or as if with claws. [1/4 definitions]
dig When you dig, you take out dirt, sand, or other things to make a hole in the ground. You usually dig with a shovel or with your hands. [5 definitions]
dug1 past tense and past participle of "dig."
elephant an enormous mammal with a very long nose called a trunk. Elephants have curved tusks, huge, floppy ears, and four long, thick legs. Elephants use their trunks to pick up food, drink water, or lift things. They use their tusks to dig roots. Elephants travel in herds, eating tons of plants every day. African elephants are the largest mammals that live on land. Indian elephants are smaller and can be trained to work with people.
fork to pierce, dig, lift, or carry with a fork. [1/4 definitions]
ground1 The ground is the dirt or soil that is part of the earth. The ground is what we can walk on outside or that we can dig in or build something on. [1/4 definitions]
grub to dig up, especially to take out rocks or roots [2/3 definitions]
hoe to use a hoe on; dig or weed. [1/2 definitions]
hole A hole is an open or empty space in something. When you dig in the ground in your yard or in the sand at the beach, you are making a hole. A hole can also be something like a place in your pocket that lets your candy or money fall through! [1/2 definitions]
mine2 a deep hole or area of holes made in the earth. Minerals such as gold, coal, or precious stones are dug out of mines. [3/5 definitions]
paw to hit, dig at, or scrape with claws or feet. [1/3 definitions]
rock1 A rock is one separate piece of the hard part of the earth. There are usually a lot of rocks at the bottom of rivers and creeks. Also, if you dig in the ground, you usually find some rocks. [1/2 definitions]
root2 to dig or turn over soil. [1/2 definitions]
scratch When you scratch your skin, you rub the tips of your fingernails against it. We often scratch our skin when it itches. Animals scratch things too. When an animal scratches something, they use their claws to dig into it. [1/7 definitions]
spade1 to dig or cut with a spade. [1/2 definitions]