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boil1 When water in a pot gets very hot and bubbles start to come up from the bottom, we say the water is boiling. When water boils, it changes from a liquid to a gas. If you boil water for a long time, the liquid will disappear because it will change into a gas and go into the air. [1/3 definitions]
break to stop or disappear suddenly. [1/19 definitions]
come out of a stain, to disappear. [1/5 definitions]
die1 to fade away; gradually disappear (usually followed by "away", "down", or "out"). [1/4 definitions]
dissolve to mix completely with liquid. [1/5 definitions]
East Timor East Timor is a country in Asia. It is a small country and shares an island with the country of Indonesia. It is hot in East Timor all year round, except in high areas. Much of the land in East Timor has mountains or steep hills, but there are also areas where farming is possible. In some months of the year, it rains very much, and in some months, it is so dry that the rivers disappear. East Timor is home to monkeys, lizards, crocodiles, bats, sea turtles, and snakes.
erode If water in a river hits against soft rock, the water will erode the rock little by little. That means bits of the rock will be washed away by the force of the water. Over a long time, parts of the rock, or all of the rock, will completely disappear. When one thing, like water or wind, erodes something, that thing will lose many bits or completely disappear.
evaporate to disappear as if vaporized. [1/2 definitions]
fade to gradually disappear (sometimes followed by "out" or "away"). [1/4 definitions]
fund A fund is a supply of money that has been collected and is being saved for a particular purpose. A fund can grow larger if more money is added to it. A fund can get smaller or disappear if the money is used for its purpose. [1/2 definitions]
get rid of If you want to get rid of something, you don't want to have it anymore. You want to throw it away, give it away, or make it disappear.
hatred Hatred is a strong feeling that is the opposite of love. When you feel hatred, you think someone or something is terrible and you wish they didn't exist or would disappear. When you feel hatred, you often feel anger inside too.
lasting If something is lasting, it keeps going. It doesn't stop or disappear.
lift to disappear or move away because of an upward force. [1/9 definitions]
magic Magic is a special power to make things happen, like turning a person into a frog or making something disappear. [1/3 definitions]
melt If something melts away, it disappears gradually. If you melt into a crowd, you mix into the crowd and disappear. [1/4 definitions]
run out to disappear because of use; to become used up or spent. [1/2 definitions]
scroll to move the text up, down, or sideways on a computer screen so that new parts of it appear as other parts disappear. [1/2 definitions]
secure When something is secure, you can depend on it. It will not disappear when you need it. [1/9 definitions]
slip1 When you slip away or slip out of something, you disappear without anyone noticing. [1/10 definitions]
swallow1 to take in and cover completely; make disappear (usually followed by "up"). [1/6 definitions]