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cap1 a dot of explosive powder contained in paper for use in a toy pistol. [1/5 definitions]
division sign a mathematical sign made up of a small horizontal line with one dot above it and one dot below it ( ÷ ). It indicates that the number coming before it is to be divided by the number coming after it.
dot a little mark or spot; speck. [4/5 definitions]
freckle a light brown dot or mark in the skin, often brought out by exposure to sunlight.
mark1 A mark is a figure or dot that has a meaning. At the end of a sentence there is a mark called a period. It means that the sentence is finished. [1/9 definitions]
pepper to season or dot with pepper. [1/4 definitions]
period A period is a mark that is used in writing at the end of a sentence. It looks like a small dot, just like you see at the end of THIS sentence. A period is also used after abbreviations like St. for street and Mon. for Monday. [1/4 definitions]
polka dot A polka dot is one of many round dots that are part of a pattern. Polka dots are often used as decoration on fabrics.