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acid An acid is a kind of chemical substance. When something has a lot of acid in it, like lemons, it tastes sour. We eat and drink many things that contain acid. A very strong acid can be dangerous, though. It can burn something that it touches. [1/2 definitions]
alcoholic An alcoholic is a person who feels a strong need to drink alcohol and cannot control that need. [1/2 definitions]
alcoholism a disease caused by the habit of drinking too much alcohol. Alcoholism is characterized by a strong desire to drink alcohol, difficulties in behaving properly, and troubling effects when alcohol use is stopped.
ale an alcoholic drink that is like beer but more bitter.
appetizer a small amount of food or drink served before a meal.
bee an insect with a hairy body, four wings, and sometimes a stinger. Some kinds of bees live in social groups, and some live alone. Many bees drink nectar from flowers.
beer an alcoholic drink made of hops and malt. [2 definitions]
beverage A beverage is any kind of liquid that people drink that is not water or medicine. Juice, milk, soda, tea, and coffee are beverages.
black When someone drinks black coffee, it means that they drink it without cream or milk. [1/3 definitions]
bolt1 to eat or drink in a hurry without chewing or tasting. [1/8 definitions]
brandy a strong alcoholic drink that is made with fermented fruit juice or wine.
brew a drink made by brewing. [1/4 definitions]
buttermilk a sour liquid left after making butter from milk. Buttermilk is used as a drink or in cooking.
café A café is a kind of restaurant that serves simple meals. It is usually small, and it is a place where you can feel relaxed. Cafés are especially popular as places for breakfast and lunch. Some adults just like to sit in a cafe and drink coffee and eat a pastry.
can2 If you drink a can of soda, it means you drink the amount of soda that is in the can. [1/3 definitions]
canteen a small store that sells food, drink, and some personal supplies. Canteens are found in schools, factories, and military bases. [1/2 definitions]
check a bill for food and drink at a bar or restaurant. [1/11 definitions]
chocolate a drink made by mixing sweet chocolate with water or milk. [1/6 definitions]
chocolate milk Chocolate milk is milk from a cow that has chocolate flavor added to it. It is a sweet drink.
cider Cider is a drink made from juice pressed out of apples.
clove1 the dried flower bud of an East Indian tree, used to flavor food or drink.