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affair A big or important event where people talk with each other and often enjoy themselves. [1/3 definitions]
alcohol Alcohol is a liquid often made from grain or fruit. Some drinks, such as beer and wine, have alcohol in them. Many adults enjoy the taste of alcohol in drinks, but alcohol can also make people feel and act differently from how they usually feel or act. Drinking some alcohol is usually OK for adults, but drinking a lot of alcohol can sometimes be bad. [1/2 definitions]
Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda is an island country in the Caribbean Sea. Many people come to Antigua and Barbuda to enjoy the sandy beaches and the beautiful sea.
attractive When something is attractive, it has something that makes people want to come to it, look at it, and enjoy it. [2 definitions]
bad When someone is a bad person, it means that they harm other people because they are very selfish or even enjoy causing pain to others.. [1/8 definitions]
Barbados Barbados is an island country in the Caribbean Sea. Many people come to Barbados to enjoy its beautiful, sandy beaches and warm weather. Many people in Barbados make a living by working with tourists, by fishing, or by farming.
bully1 A bully is someone who uses their strength or power to hurt or frighten people who are weaker than they are. Bullies enjoy doing this kind of thing. [1/2 definitions]
campground A campground is an outdoor place where people put up tents and stay for a short time. Different groups of people can stay there at the same time, camping in different spots. A campground is often part of a large park. It is a place to relax and enjoy nature. In some campgrounds, people can park a vehicle that they can sleep in and cook in.
celebration Celebration is the act of honoring something and making it special. It is doing things to remember how great or important it was or to show how glad you are that it happened or that it will happen. Celebration is often fun and filled with things that we enjoy, but some forms of celebration are serious. [1/2 definitions]
chew When you chew food, you break it into smaller and smaller pieces with your teeth. When you eat food, you have to chew it before it can go down into your stomach. Sometimes, though, we chew things that are not food because we enjoy the feeling of using our teeth in this way.
chewing gum Chewing gum is something like candy, but you don't eat it. It is a soft, sweet substance that you enjoy chewing in your mouth. You chew it for a long time, but you don't swallow it.
Christmas Christmas is a holiday that is celebrated in the religion of Christianity. The holiday is on December 25 every year. It celebrates the birth of Christ, whose life began the religion of Christianity. People often celebrate Christmas by going to church, decorating a tree with pretty lights, and giving gifts. Many people who are not Christians also enjoy the traditions of Christmas by putting up a Christmas tree and giving presents.
eloquent using words well, in a way that others enjoy hearing or reading.
enjoy When you enjoy something, it makes you happy. It is fun for you. [3 definitions]
exciting Things that make your heart beat fast are exciting. Things like skiing down a mountain, going up in a balloon, or watching an action movie can be exciting. Often, things that are exciting are things that people enjoy, but sometimes they can make people scared or very nervous. Many exciting things are both fun and scary.
fad A fad is a very popular new thing that lots of people are doing or taking an interest in. When something is a fad, people enjoy it a lot for a while, and then they get tired of it and turn their attention to something else. Fads come and go.
fair2 A fair is an event in which people celebrate their community by gathering together and having fun. They often bring things that they have made, like crafts and foods, and other people buy them. There are also prizes, contests, games, and other activities for people to enjoy. [1/3 definitions]
feast When you feast, you enjoy lots of different foods at a large, special meal. [1/2 definitions]
fun Fun is something that you can enjoy, or the feeling you get when you are doing something that you really like. People usually have fun when they are playing or doing something interesting or exciting like watching a movie or skating or listening to music. [1/2 definitions]
Georgia Georgia is a country in Asia. Russia and Turkey are two of its neighbors. Georgia is a country with many mountains and has a language that is very different from the languages of its neighbors. The mountains of Georgia are home to badgers, wolves, bears, and lynx. People who visit Georgia can hike and climb in the hills and mountains, enjoy beaches on the Black Sea, and also see many beautiful, old churches. [1/2 definitions]
Grenada Grenada is an island country in the Caribbean Sea. Farmers in Grenada grow many kinds of spices, including cinnamon and another spice called nutmeg. Many people in Grenada work with tourists, who come to see the country's mountains and waterfalls, and to enjoy its beaches.