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attire to dress up in fancy clothes. [2 definitions]
banquet a fancy, formal dinner.
bow tie A bow tie is a long thin piece of material that goes around the neck and is tied in front in a very simple, flat bow. Bow ties are worn usually by men or boys, and they are most often worn on fancy occasions.
crude If something is crude, it is not complex or fancy. It is simple and basic. [1/4 definitions]
cup a fancy metal cup that is given to the winner of a contest or game. [1/5 definitions]
deck to dress or decorate in a fancy way for a special event or celebration. [1/4 definitions]
dine When people dine, they eat a meal, especially a fancy dinner.
dining the activity of eating a fancy meal or the evening meal.
dress up to dress in fancy or formal clothes.
elegant If something is elegant, it is designed in a tasteful and beautiful way using materials that are high in quality. An elegant thing seems fancy, but it may not have a lot of decoration. The style is very attractive, and often it is quite expensive.
everyday An everyday thing, is an ordinary, normal thing. Our everyday clothes are the clothes we wear most of the time. They are not fancy or special in any way.
fancy When something is fancy, it has things that make it special and not ordinary. A fancy thing is not simple and plain. A fancy cake might have icing of different colors or patterns, or it might have many flowers or some other decorations on it. Fancy things often cost more than things that are simple. [7 definitions]
formal When something is formal, it is somewhat fancy and very correct. It might not be very relaxed and comfortable. [1/4 definitions]
grand When something is grand, it is large in size. Things that are grand are often both big and fancy. [1/3 definitions]
homely not fancy or special; simple. [1/3 definitions]
humble When someone is humble, they are not too proud. They don't see themselves as higher than other people. Sometimes they see other people as being higher than themselves. If someone is humble, they are happy to have friends at any level, and they are happy with the fairly simple things in life. They don't need expensive or fancy things. [2 definitions]
lush rich, abundant, or fancy. [1/2 definitions]
luxuriant fancy or having much decoration. [1/2 definitions]
ornate having a lot of decoration; fancy.
pillar A pillar is a strong, tall thing, often made of stone, that holds up part of a building. It has a shape like a large pole, but it is usually more fancy and interesting to look at. Sometimes pillars are used as decorations or as monuments to people who have died. A monument is something that helps people remember someone, or to remember something serious and important.
plain not complicated or fancy; without anything extra; simple. [1/6 definitions]