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actually "Actually" means "really." If you actually catch a very big fish, you really catch it. It is not just a story or a dream. [1/2 definitions]
algae Algae are living things that live mainly in water and make their food by using light from the sun. Algae are similar to plants, but they are not usually considered to be plants because they are different in some ways. For example, algae don't have roots and leaves like plants do. Most forms of algae are very helpful for animals and people. Seaweed is a kind of algae, which many people eat and can also be used in making other things. Fish and other water animals use algae for food. "Algae" is a plural word. The singular form is "alga."
alligator a large reptile with short legs, a long body and tail, and a long, wide snout. Alligators are protected by thick skin with many hard bumps. They live in rivers, lakes, swamps, and other bodies of water in the southeast United States and in China. They usually eat insects, fish, turtles, snakes, birds, and other water animals, but have been known to attack small land mammals. They are closely related to crocodiles. Chinese alligators are endangered because their habitat is being changed by people.
anchovy a small fish that is related to the herring and is used for food. Anchovies are found mostly in warm ocean waters.
animal one of a large group of living things that can move around by themselves to find food. Animals eat plants, funguses, or other animals. Birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians, mammals, insects, snails, and worms are some of the major kinds of animals. [1/2 definitions]
aquarium An aquarium is a container filled with water that people use as a home for fish and other water animals. An aquarium is usually made of clear glass. It can be very small or very big. [2 definitions]
bait food used to attract and catch fish or animals. [1/4 definitions]
barracuda a fish that lives in warm ocean water and has a long body. Barracuda are fierce hunters.
bass2 A bass is a kind of fish. Some types of bass live only in freshwater, like in lakes or rivers, and other types live in saltwater. People like to catch bass to eat.
bear2 a large furry mammal with a short tail. Bears are omnivorous; they may eat plants, honey, insects, fish, and small mammals. There are several kinds of bears, including black bears, brown bears, grizzly bears, and polar bears.
bioluminescence light given off naturally by certain kinds of insects, fish, or bacteria. The bioluminescence of fireflies allows them to blink on and off in the dark.
bluefish a fish that lives in mild Atlantic waters of the North and South American coast. Bluefish are blue and are caught for sport or food.
bony If a fish is bony, it seems as if it has too many bones. [1/4 definitions]
broth water in which meat, fish, grain, or vegetables have been boiled. Broth is often used as a base for soup.
burger a sandwich like a beef burger but made with a patty of some other kind of food, such as chicken, fish, or beans. The patty itself is also called a burger. [1/2 definitions]
catfish a fish with no scales and a large head, found mostly in fresh water. Catfish have long feelers around the mouth that look like a cat's whiskers.
characteristic A characteristic is something that makes a person or thing different from others. The color of your eyes is one characteristic that makes you different from many other people in the world. The color of your hair and your height are also characteristics that make you different. Groups also have characteristics that make them different from other groups. A characteristic of fish, for example, is that they live in water. A characteristic of spiders is that they have eight legs. [1/3 definitions]
chowder a thick soup in which clams, fish, or corn are added to potatoes and onions in a milk or tomato base.
cod a large fish found in the ocean. Cod are used for food.
could We use could to talk about what would be possible in a situation that is not real. For example, you are not a fish, so you can't breathe in the water, but if you were a fish, you could breathe in the water! [1/3 definitions]
crane A crane is a tall water bird with long legs and a long neck. A crane has long legs so it can walk in the water without getting its body wet. It also has a long neck so it can put its head under water and catch fish and other animals. [1/2 definitions]