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answer An answer is sometimes a way to fix a problem. [1/4 definitions]
bill1 A bill is a piece of paper that tells how much you have to pay for something. When you are done eating in a restaurant, the waiter brings the bill. If someone comes to your house to fix the roof, they will send a bill later to ask for money for the work they did. [1/4 definitions]
break When something breaks, it stops working right. Sometimes you can fix it, but sometimes you can't. [1/9 definitions]
capable When you are capable, you have the skills to do something well. A capable mechanic is someone who can fix a car well. A capable teacher is good at helping students learn. [1/2 definitions]
charge If a hotel charges guests two dollars for shampoo, it means that guests have to pay two dollars if they want to use the hotel's shampoo. If a plumber charges a customer a hundred dollars to fix a leaking pipe, it means the plumber requires the customer to pay that much for the work. [1/9 definitions]
consumer A consumer is a person who buys goods or services. When you shop in a grocery store, you are a consumer. If your mom pays someone to fix the roof of your house, she is a consumer. She is buying a service from the person who comes to fix the roof.
correct to fix the mistakes in; change to make right. [1/5 definitions]
deal1 When you deal with something, you give your attention to it and do what needs to be done about it. Sometimes dealing with something means that you fix it or solve a problem with it. If you can't fix something or solve the problem, you at least give it your attention and do what you can. [1/7 definitions]
defect A defect is something that is wrong with something. A defect begins when something is first made or created. When something has a defect, it doesn't work the way it should or it is not acceptable in some way. People will often try to fix a defect.
electrician An electrician is a person whose job is to put in or fix electrical equipment.
fiddle to move the fingers or hands without purpose or in a nervous way to fix or adjust something. [1/4 definitions]
filling A filling is a material that a dentist puts into a tooth to fix the tooth when there is a cavity. A cavity is a small hole in a tooth that is caused by decay. Cavities in your teeth are not good, but fillings can help you keep using your teeth and can help stop more decay. Decay is a process that breaks down teeth and can destroy them little by little. [1/3 definitions]
fix If something is broken, we often try to fix it. When we fix something, we make it work again, or we put it back together. [6 definitions]
guarantee If a business sells their product with a guarantee, they give their promise that the product will work properly, at least for a particular period of time. If the product breaks or doesn't work the way it should, then the company promises to fix it or give the buyer a new one. A guarantee is usually written on a piece of paper. [1/4 definitions]
hardware store A hardware store is a shop that sells tools and equipment made of metal. It also sells other types of tools, paints, and other things that are needed to fix or build things.
imprint to fix firmly in the mind, memory, or feelings. [1/4 definitions]
insure If you insure your house or some other big thing that you own, you pay money for a certain type of protection for that house or other thing. You do this by making an agreement with an "insurance company" that promises to pay you money to fix or replace these things if they get damaged. The amount you pay to the company for their service is small compared to the money that that company pays you if your things gets damaged, BUT, your things might never get damaged, so you may be paying only for the good feeling that your things are protected.
learn to fix in the mind; memorize. [1/3 definitions]
mechanic A mechanic is a person whose job is to fix machines, motors, and tools. Some mechanics make these things too.
mend to repair or fix. [1/4 definitions]
moor2 to fix in place with cables or lines. [1/2 definitions]