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ark (sometimes capitalized) in the Bible, the large boat built by Noah to save his family and two of every animal from a flood sent by God. [1/2 definitions]
deluge a flood caused by a great amount of water. [3/4 definitions]
engulf to cover entirely, as if by a flood.
flash A flash flood is a flood that happens suddenly or without warning. [1/8 definitions]
flood to rise, pour, or overflow in a flood or as if in a flood. [1/5 definitions]
gush to flood out in large amounts and with great force; spurt. [1/3 definitions]
insurance Insurance is a kind of protection against bad things happening to you. The protection comes from a promise of an "insurance company" to pay money to you if certain bad things happen. In order to have this protection, you pay the company some amount of money regularly. People have insurance to help them in case something happens like a fire, flood, car accident, or theft. There are many kinds of insurance.
overflow to flood over or across. [1/5 definitions]
overrun to flow over; flood. [1/3 definitions]
ruin To ruin something means to damage it completely. When a flood ruins a city, it destroys the city. [1/6 definitions]
submerge to cover completely or cause to overflow with water; flood. [1/3 definitions]
torrent a heavy flow of water with a strong current, such as a rushing stream, a flood, or a heavy rainfall.
wreck If a flood wrecks a building, it destroys or ruins it. [1/3 definitions]