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arbor1 a shady area made by arranging trees and bushes or by growing vines on a frame.
barrow1 a flat frame used for carrying a load. A barrow has two handles at each end or handles at one end and a wheel at the other; wheelbarrow.
bolt1 a metal or wooden bar on a door that slides into an opening in the frame. When the bolt is inserted into the frame, the door stays closed. [1/8 definitions]
bunk1 A bunk is a small, single bed that is attached to a wall, or it is one of two beds held up by a frame that supports one bed on top of the other.
chassis the frame that supports the body and engine in a vehicle.
eyeglass (plural) two lenses in a frame that rests on the nose and ears, worn to help a person see better; glasses.
frame A frame is a border that fits around something. You often see a frame around a picture, a window, or a mirror. [4 definitions]
gallows a high wooden frame to which one or more ropes for hanging criminals are attached. Only two states in the United States still use hanging as a form of execution.
goggles a special pair of glasses with a secure frame that one wears over one's eyes to protect them from harsh or dangerous things, such as dust, wind, sparks, or hazardous chemicals.
grate1 a frame of crossed or parallel metal bars used as a covering or guard over an opening. [2 definitions]
grating1 a frame of bars that covers an opening; grate.
grid a frame of crossing or parallel bars; grating. [1/2 definitions]
gridiron a flat frame of metal bars or wires, used for cooking foods. [1/2 definitions]
grill A grill is a frame with metal bars that is used to hold foods when you cook over a fire. [1/3 definitions]
hanger a frame with a hook at the top, made of wire, wood, or plastic, and shaped so that one may hang clothes over it. [1/2 definitions]
harp a large musical instrument with an upright triangular frame. Harps have forty-six strings and are played by plucking the strings with the fingers.
harrow a farm tool used to break up and level ground that has been plowed. A harrow has spikes or upright disks mounted on a heavy frame. [1/3 definitions]
hinge A hinge is something that allows a door or lid to open and close. A hinge is made up of two pieces that are attached to each other in a way that allows the pieces to move. One part of the hinge can be attached to a door and the other part can be attached to a door frame. In this way the door is connected to the door frame. Even though the door becomes attached to the door frame, it can swing open and closed because of the movement of the hinge.
hoop a circular or rounded figure, frame, or object. [1/4 definitions]
horse a frame with legs, used for holding or supporting things. [1/3 definitions]
hull2 the rigid frame and outer shell of a ship.