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abandon If you abandon something that you have, you go away from it without any plan to return to get it. If someone abandons an animal or another person, they leave them and don't plan to ever come back. [2/3 definitions]
academy An academy is a school. Usually an academy is a private school. People have to pay to go to a private school. Some academies focus on a particular type of thing, such as art, music, military training, or science. Academies give special classes for these things. Some academies are regular schools for school children, and some academies give classes for adult students, especially in things like music, drama, or art.
accelerate When you accelerate something, you make it go faster. [2 definitions]
accompany to go with. [1/3 definitions]
accord Accord is agreement or harmony. If things are in accord, they go well together. If something is in accord with another thing, it follows it. It doesn't go against it. If people are in accord, they agree about something or they have a similar opinion.
according to When you play a game according to the rules, it means that you play the game the way the rules say you should play it. If a project is going according to your plan, it is going the way you planned for it to go. [1/2 definitions]
account Sometimes when you want to do something on your computer on the internet, the website asks you to make an account. You do this by choosing a name for yourself and a password. The name you choose is called your "user name." When you make an account, the website remembers who you are every time you go to it and put in your user name and your password. [1/5 definitions]
across When something is on the other side of another thing, it is across it. Also, if someone or something goes from one side of something to the other side of it, they go across it. [2/5 definitions]
adverb An adverb is a certain kind of word in a sentence. When a word is an adverb, it often describes how or when or where we do things. Words like "tomorrow," "here," "there," "slowly," and "usually" are adverbs. Adverbs also go in front of other adverbs or adjectives to describe those words. If we say "This is very good cake," "good" is an adjective that tells us about the cake, and "very" is an adverb that tells us how good the cake is.
against When you go against something, you don't along with it, or you go in the opposite direction that it is going. If you walk against the wind, it means that you walk so that the wind is blowing in your face. If you play a game and go against the rules, it means that you don't play the way the rules tell you to play. [1/4 definitions]
airport An airport is a large area of land where airplanes come and go and get fuel for their engines. When you are going on a trip by airplane, you first go to an airport.
a little If you are a little tired, you are tired to a small degree. If you usually read a little before going to sleep, then you read for a small amount of time before you go to sleep. [1/3 definitions]
along When you walk along something, you walk next to it or go the same way that it goes. When you take a walk along the river, you take a walk next to the river. [2/5 definitions]
alphabet An alphabet is all the letters of a language. The letters of an alphabet go in a certain order. The English alphabet begins with A and ends with Z. It has 26 letters.
Andorra Andorra is a small country in Europe. It is located in the mountains between Spain and France. People often come to Andorra to go skiing.
appeal If someone loses their case in a court of law, sometimes they make a request for their case to go to a higher level court. This way they have a chance to get a better result. This request to bring a case to a higher court is called an appeal. [1/6 definitions]
approach to come or go near to. [2/6 definitions]
archive a collection of records or information that is stored somewhere. An archive often stores things that go back a long time.
around (informal) about; nearby. [2/12 definitions]
arrow a sign shaped like an arrow. An arrow is used to point out a place or show which way to go. [1/2 definitions]
ascend to go upward; climb; rise. [2 definitions]