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acoustics the aspects of a room or space that make sounds easy or difficult to hear (used with a plural verb).
ad "Ad" is a short word for "advertisement." An advertisement is something that tells people about things to buy or things that are happening. You often see advertisements on television. Sometimes you hear ads on the radio or see them online. Also, when you are outside, you sometimes see advertisements on signs.
advertising If someone does advertising, they create advertisements. An advertisement is a notice that tells people about things they can buy or things that are happening. You can see advertisements on TV or hear them on the radio. Sometimes you see them online. Advertising is also a business and a type of job. Some people do advertising for a living. They write advertisements or work to get them out to the public.
already "Already" sometimes means "from an earlier time." If you already have a spoon, for example, then you don't need a spoon now. If you already know something, then you don't need to learn that thing or hear about it now. If the soup for lunch is already made, then there is no reason to make soup now. [1/3 definitions]
answer When you give someone an answer, you say or write something back to them after they have asked a question. An answer often gives the information that someone wants to know, but answers are not always right or exactly what someone wants to hear. [1/4 definitions]
appeal a request that a higher court hear a case. An appeal is made after one has lost a case in a lower court. [1/6 definitions]
audience a group of people gathered to see or hear something. [1/3 definitions]
audio Anything audio has something to do with sound. An audio book is a book that you can hear being read. An audio tape is a tape that has sound recorded on it and that you can listen to. [2/3 definitions]
bang A bang is a sudden, loud noise like the noise we hear when one thing hits another thing very hard, or when something explodes. [1/5 definitions]
barely "Barely" means only a very little. When you barely hear a noise, you can hear it only very slightly. You almost cannot hear it at all.
beat When you hit something again and again in a way that repeats, then you are making a beat. In music, we often hear the beat of a drum. [1/7 definitions]
beautiful delightful to see, hear, or experience; lovely to the senses; having beauty.
bulletin A bulletin is a special announcement of something that has happened recently or is going to happen. It is usually something important. You might hear a bulletin on the radio or on TV.
characteristic A characteristic thing is a thing that is unusual. It sticks out as being different. If you have a characteristic laugh, then your laugh is different from most people's laugh. It is an unusual laugh. If people can't see you but they can hear you laughing, they know it is you who is laughing. [1/3 definitions]
charming If something is charming, it has something that attracts people and makes them happy. A charming story makes children pay attention right away, and it delights them. They might want to hear it or read it many times. If a person is charming, they make people like them right away. They are pleasant and make people smile.
clearly When you say something clearly, you say it in a way that people can hear and understand easily.
click A click is a quick, sharp sound. When you turn on a light, sometimes you hear a click. Usually when you open or close a lock, there is the sound of a click. [1/4 definitions]
complaint When you hear a complaint from someone, they are saying that something is wrong or that they don't like something. [1/2 definitions]
conscious awake; able to feel, think, hear, and see. [1/3 definitions]
court the judges or other people who hear and decide legal cases. [1/8 definitions]
crash1 When you hear a crash, you hear a loud noise like something hitting something and breaking into pieces. [1/7 definitions]