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Children's Dictionary
aloud in a voice that can be heard; not in a whisper.
audible heard or able to be heard.
audience a chance to be heard by someone in power. [1/3 definitions]
audio a particular sound recording, often giving instructions, information, or a sample of a longer recording, made to be heard on a computer or other electronic device. [1/4 definitions]
babble spoken words that cannot be heard or understood clearly. [1/5 definitions]
chamber (plural) a judge's office, where people can discuss matters not to be heard in open court. [1/5 definitions]
court a place where legal cases are heard. [1/8 definitions]
courtroom a room in which legal cases are heard before a judge.
creep to move while trying not to be seen or heard. [1/7 definitions]
distinct clearly seen, heard, or understood; evident. [1/3 definitions]
greet to make itself seen or heard by. [1/3 definitions]
hearing the chance to be heard. [2/4 definitions]
hearsay information heard from another person but not proved.
in one ear and out the other heard, but with little or no attention paid.
katydid a large, green insect that is related to the grasshopper. Katydids live in trees and are often heard calling on summer nights. The male makes a noise that sounds like "katydid" by rubbing its wings together.
know of to be aware of; have heard about.
loud having a large amount of sound; easily heard. [1/3 definitions]
plain easily seen or heard; clear; visible. [1/6 definitions]
receiver a device that receives electronic signals and changes them into something that can be seen, heard, or understood. Televisions, telephones, and radios all work by using receivers. [1/3 definitions]
resound to make a loud or clearly heard sound. [1/2 definitions]
sniff to take in short breaths of air through the nose that can be heard. [2/4 definitions]