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abdomen Your abdomen is the part of your body between your chest and your hips. Your abdomen contains your stomach and the other parts of your body that help you digest your food. [1/2 definitions]
abolitionist An abolitionist is a person who supported the ending of slavery in the United States before and during the Civil War. Abolitionists fought hard in various ways to help the slaves become free and to make slavery against the law. The end of slavery finally came in 1865 near the end of the Civil War.
accessory In law, an accessory is a person who helps another person so that they can break the law or so that they can avoid getting caught. An accessory helps in some way but doesn't actually take part in the crime of the other person. An accessory gives help before or after the crime is committed. Although it is not as serious, being an accessory is also a crime. [1/2 definitions]
accommodate If someone accommodates another person, they help them out by giving them a place to stay or by giving them meals, or both. [2/3 definitions]
advice an idea or opinion offered as help in making a choice or a decision.
adviser An adviser is a person who helps you decide what to do by giving you information or by giving you their opinion. An adviser often has special knowledge of something and that's why they are able to help.
advocate An advocate is a person who speaks for others in order to defend them or help them in some way. [1/3 definitions]
aerobic able to work the heart and lungs to help the body use oxygen better.
aerobics (used with a singular or plural verb) a form of exercise that works the heart and lungs to help the body use oxygen better. Running, swimming, biking, or dance are forms of aerobics.
agency An agency is a company or group that helps people do things, especially things that can be difficult to do just by themselves. Agencies do things like help people find a job or help people find an apartment or buy a house. Some agencies help companies find employees to work for them. Some agencies do a special kind of work that customers don't have the skill to do themselves. [1/2 definitions]
aid to give help to or assist. [2/3 definitions]
aide An aide is person whose job is to help another person.
ally An ally is someone who will help you achieve some goal, usually because they agree with this goal and they want to help you reach it. They want the same thing as you do. They are on the same side as you. An ally is sometimes a friend, but an ally may just be someone who will cooperate with you in trying to do something.
altar girl a girl who is trained to help the priest during church worship services.
animator An animator is a person who draws or creates figures that look like they are moving. Cartoons are made by animators. Animators usually do their work for movies or TV shows, and they usually use computers nowadays to help them create the moving figures.
antenna An antenna is a long, thin thing that sticks out from the head of insects and some kinds of sea animals. Each insect or sea animal has two of them. Butterflies, beetles, grasshoppers, crabs, and lobsters are some animals that have antennas. Animals with antennas use them to feel and to smell. Antennas help them find things like food and also each other! [1/2 definitions]
antibiotic An antibiotic is a substance that can kill bacteria or prevent it from growing. Doctors use antibiotics to help patients who have infections caused by bacteria. Patients usually take antibiotics in the form of pills.
appeal an earnest request for help. [1/6 definitions]
appliance An appliance is something that people use to help them make things or do things at home. Stoves and refrigerators are large appliances. Toasters and mixers are small appliances.
aqueduct An aqueduct is an open or closed pipe that carries water over a long distance. Sometimes structures like bridges support the aqueduct and help the water flow over valleys or rivers.