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absorb to hold the full attention of. [1/2 definitions]
accommodate If a hotel room accommodates four people, it has room for four people. Four people can use the space comfortably. If an elevator can accommodate twelve people, it means that it can hold twelve people. [1/3 definitions]
accordion An accordion is an instrument for playing music. You hold an accordion in your arms to play it. It has black and white keys like a piano, but sound is made when air is forced through it.
adhesive If something is adhesive, it is sticky. It will make things hold together. [1/2 definitions]
album a book with blank pages or empty pockets in which a collection can be placed. An album can hold photographs, stamps, or mementos. [1/2 definitions]
amuse to hold the interest of in a pleasant way; entertain. [1/2 definitions]
anchor to make secure or hold steady. [1/4 definitions]
arrest to seize and hold or imprison for breaking the law. [2/4 definitions]
bag a soft container made of cloth, paper, or leather, used to hold things; sack; pouch. [1/4 definitions]
balance to hold steady. [1/6 definitions]
Band-Aid "Band-Aid" is a name for a small bandage that covers a wound but has parts that stick to the skin on each side of the wound. The sticky parts hold the bandage in place. The name "Band-Aid" belongs to the company that makes this product.
banjo A banjo is a musical instrument with strings. You hold a banjo like a guitar, but it has a different sound, shape, and way of playing. A banjo has a flat, round body and uses four or five strings. The banjo is often played in American folk music along with guitars and fiddles.
bar1 a length of metal or other strong, solid material often used to hold something back, support something, or hold things together. [1/10 definitions]
barrel the amount that such a container can hold. [1/4 definitions]
basin an open, shallow bowl used to hold water for washing. [1/2 definitions]
basket A basket is something used to hold or carry things. Baskets are usually open containers, and many have a handle that goes across them. Baskets are made of long, thin pieces of wood, long grass, metal, and other things. [1/3 definitions]
beam A beam is a long, strong piece of wood or metal that is used to hold up floors, ceilings or roofs. [1/5 definitions]
bear1 to hold up or support. [1/7 definitions]
bind When you bind things, you make them hold together by tying something like a string or rope around them. [1/4 definitions]
binder A binder is something that is used to hold loose papers together. It has two hard covers that are held together like a book. Inside the covers, there is a device that holds the papers inside the binder. Some binders also have pockets on the inside of the covers.
bob2 to try to take hold of floating or hanging objects with the mouth as part of a game. [1/4 definitions]