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aboveboard openly and without tricks or lies; honest.
act If you pretend to be something or someone that you are not, you are acting. Sometimes people act for reasons that are good. Sometimes they act for reasons that are not honest or kind. [1/9 definitions]
believe to accept as honest or true. [1/2 definitions]
cheat When you cheat someone, you act in a way that is not honest in order to get something from that person. [2 definitions]
corrupt not honest; wicked. [1/4 definitions]
corruption activity that is not honest, especially secret, illegal activity.
crooked not acting in honest ways. [1/2 definitions]
devious not open or honest.
direct When someone is direct, it means that they are honest and open. [1/8 definitions]
dirty not honest; unfair. [1/6 definitions]
dishonest tending to lie, steal, or cheat; not honest.
fairly in a just or honest way. [1/3 definitions]
false purposely not true or honest. [1/3 definitions]
frank1 honest, direct, and open.
genuine honest; sincere. [1/2 definitions]
honest An honest person is a person who tells the truth. If you are honest, you don't tell lies. [3 definitions]
honestly in an honest way. [1/2 definitions]
honesty the fact or condition of being honest; integrity; truthfulness.
honor the state of having a good character and honest behavior. [1/8 definitions]
just fair and honest. [2/7 definitions]
lying1 not telling the truth on purpose; not honest; false. [1/3 definitions]